Zelenskyj will deliver more electricity to Europe – Latest news – news

28 July 2022 at 04:53 Zelenskyj will deliver more electricity to Europe Ukraine plans to increase electricity exports to the EU, which may experience an energy deficit due to reduced Russian deliveries, says Volodymyr Zelenskyj. – We are preparing to increase the export of electricity to consumers in the EU. Our exports are not only an opportunity to obtain foreign currency, but also to help our partners stand up to Russia’s energy pressure, said the Ukrainian president in his evening speech on Wednesday. Russia has sharply cut gas supplies to Europe through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline. The gas is used, among other things, for electricity production. Zelenskyj says Ukraine has connected its power grid to the European one despite the ongoing war. – We will gradually become one of the guarantors of Europe’s energy security, thanks to our electricity production, Zelenskyj said. The connection to the European grid in March also enabled Ukraine to disconnect from the power grid it shared with Russia and Belarus, which thus made them dependent on the Russian grid company. (NTB-DPA)
