– Hope the verdict will act as a deterrent – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary Architect Rune Breili has been sentenced to 90 days in prison for several breaches of the Planning and Building Act in connection with two cottage projects on Tjøme. Director Espen Søilen of the Oslofjord outdoor recreation council hopes the verdict, if upheld, will inspire and motivate other municipalities to take illegalities of a certain size in the beach zone before the court. Docent Fredrik Holth at Norway’s University of the Environment and Life Sciences believes that a legally binding sentence will show that it should not pay to commit illegalities and that there is a strict response to environmental crime. Municipal director Kristin Nilsen in Færder says they will continue to work on illegal construction cases in the beach zone. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Architect Rune Breili was recently sentenced to 90 days in prison for several breaches of the Planning and Building Act in connection with two cottage projects in the beach zone on Tjøme. The architect has always claimed that he has not tried to deceive the municipality. – He is considering an appeal, said his defender Thomas Skjelbred shortly after the verdict was handed down. According to the judgment from the Vestfold District Court, Breili provided incorrect and misleading information to the building authorities in the two building projects. Hope the verdict inspires other municipalities. Director Espen Søilen of the Oslofjord Outdoor Council is keen to prevent the development of the beach zone. He emphasizes that he is only aware of the Breili case through the media. But Søilen hopes the judgment, if it becomes legally binding, will inspire and motivate other municipalities to take illegalities in the beach zone of a certain size to court. – These are heavy cases and require a lot of resources in the form of hours and money for a municipality to raise such a case. But it is necessary. If illegalities remain, they will be for the future. Søilen also believes that a final judgment can have another consequence. – We also hope it will have a deterrent effect on those who try to trick themselves into carrying out illegal measures in the beach zone. Takes environmental crime seriously Fredrik Holth is a lecturer at the Norwegian University of the Environment and Life Sciences. He points out that the municipalities have a duty to prosecute illegal activities in the beach zone. Holth believes the verdict shows that it should not pay to commit illegalities and that there is a strict response to environmental crime. – It emphasizes the importance of the municipalities pursuing illegality. He does not think the judgment will have consequences for anyone other than those involved, if it stands. Docent Fredrik Holth believes that the verdict, if it is upheld, shows that it should not pay to do illegal things in the beach zone. Photo: Anne Lognvik / news Working on illegality cases that before Municipal Director Kristin Nilsen in Færder says they will continue the work on illegal construction cases in the beach zone. – The result shows that the municipality has done a good job and we will continue to do so. Færder mayor Tom Mello (H) says that if the verdict is upheld, it shows that the municipality has handled cases of illegality in the right way. Færder mayor Tom Mello (H). Photo: Philip Hofgaard According to the judgment, the municipality has spent up to 700 hours on illegality follow-up and supervision – just on the property in Neholmveien. This is one of the properties Økokrim believes Breili failed to apply for in the correct way in order to have it built the way the cabin owner wanted. – We continue as before. The judgment shows that it was worth putting the foot down for the two cases in which judgment has been passed. Then we will see if it will stand. The municipality is praised by the court Opposition leader Jon Sanness Andersen (Ap) in Færder writes on Facebook that the case is just sad for both parties. The ex-mayor notes that the court praises the municipality for having shown courage and integrity in the case. Opposition leader Jon Sanness Andersen (Ap). Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news “It costs an enormous amount of municipal resources to stand up to resourceful owners of initiatives such as in this case,” the judgment says. – I have never previously registered that municipalities have been praised in the same way in such judgments. Fewer cases before the court Sanness Andersen believes the district court’s decision shows that the municipality’s administration has thought correctly and that they have a high level of competence. One consequence could be that cabin owners do not want to train cases by dragging them into the legal system, and that the follow-up of illegality becomes easier, he believes. – You have legal certainty in this country, but hopefully this judgment will make people think twice before going to court. Færder municipality still has many hundreds of illegal cases to work with.
