Marcus (22) took the world record in eating porridge – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

The combination of student economics and a heart for porridge gave Marcus Sørfossmo an idea. – There has been an offer on porridge for quite some time, so I have eaten porridge every day. In December, I began to wonder if there was a record for eating porridge, says Marcus. When he saw that the record was 557 grams of porridge in one minute, he thought it was easy to beat and sent an application to Guinness. – I’m from Rogaland, there is porridge both for dinner and for breakfast. It is also a very “Norwegian” world record to take, which I think is very cool. Set the world record In January, he received a response to the application, which listed a number of criteria he had to meet in order to be approved for the attempt. On 3 February, Marcus gathered witnesses, set a stopwatch and camera to document the increase on the new world record. The record he had to beat was set by German Andre Ortolf, who ate 557 grams of porridge in one minute in 2021. And he did it. Marcus and the witnesses were careful that all criteria had to be met for the experiment to be approved. Photo: Privat Marcus ate 675 grams of rice porridge in one minute. – It’s a fun record to have! I had a goal of eating one gram of porridge per second, and I beat that by a good margin. More than 20 people gathered to watch Marcus eat the porridge at the activity house Loftet in Moholt student town. Ate more Two days before the official attempt at the world record, Marcus tested himself at home. – Then I ate even more. As you have to spit out what you haven’t swallowed when time runs out, I focused on getting everything swallowed. – I thought that it doesn’t look very good to spit out the food on camera. That’s why I ate a little less during the official test, says Marcus. When time ran out, Marcus had to make it clear that he had no more food left in his mouth. Photo: Privat Fun fact for Tinder Now the Guinness plaque is on its way to Marcus. – It must probably hang in the living room in the collective. It’s the fun fact of all time, says Marcus, and continues: – The plaque is something I’ll have for the rest of my life, and probably something I’ll tell my grandchildren about. But for Marcus, it is not enough to tell the story to his grandchildren. – The fact that I am a world champion in eating porridge must be on my CV, Linkedin, Tinder and the whole package. Maybe I’ll get it tattooed too, he laughs. Five other strange world records Eating 675 grams of rice porridge in one minute is a somewhat special world record, but far from the strangest. Ate a small plane French Michel Lotito holds the world record for “the strangest diet”. From 1966 he ate 18 bicycles, 15 trolleys, seven TVs, six candlesticks, a pair of skis, a small plane (Cessna 150), two beds and a computer. To wash down the goodies, he drank mineral oil and copious amounts of water. Pierced several thousand times As of June 2006, Elaine Davidson had been pierced a total of 4,225 times. The first time she got a piercing was in 1997. According to Guinness, she changes piercings all the time, mostly on her face. Loves bigmacs American Donald Gorske holds the record for the most bigmacs (burgers from McDonalds) eaten in his lifetime. Gorske is 70 years old and as of 1 January 2024 he has eaten 34,128 burgers. – Have I ever thought about eating my last big mac? Yes, when I’m on my deathbed and have my son give me a big mac as road food for the trip. World-class dominoes We all remember dominoes, right? The game where you set up pieces and let them fall on top of each other. Imagine 2355 with each mattress falling on top of each other like dominoes. The world record for the longest domino with people on mattresses was set in the Philippines last year. Scalp the head in the ass The world record for the most broken toilet seats with the help of the head in one minute is held by Kevin Shelley. He managed to smash 46 toilet seats in one minute. The record still stands after being set in Germany back in 2007.
