– Shaken in the whole plane – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A plane from Norwegian has collided with another plane at a terminal at Gardermoen, Avinor confirms to news. – There are two planes that have come into contact with each other. There is a plane on its way out of the terminal that has come across a stationary plane, says press officer Monica Fasting. She emphasizes that the planes have not collided on the runway itself. – It happened at a very calm speed on the way out, so there is no question of any personal injury. There is only material damage to the aircraft. Norwegian tells news that a replacement flight has already been set up to take the passengers from Oslo to Kristiansand. – The entire plane is shaken. A piece of the wing is on the ground, photos from the scene show. The plane, which was going from Oslo to Kristiansand, probably cannot fly for a while. – We have been sitting here for 20 minutes. The captain said they must carry out careful investigations before they can take drastic measures, passenger Thomas Neteland tells news. VG spoke to the passenger first. Photo: Kenneth Bremnes / Kenneth Bremnes He says he was surprised by how much he felt from the collision with the other plane. – I felt a surprising amount. The whole plane shook. We didn’t have much speed, but it shook, says Neteland. Neteland says he sees personnel from the airport in orange vests on the outside of the plane, as well as officers from the fire service. – I think part of the problem is that we are standing right next to the other plane, so we can’t get anywhere. Photo: Kenneth Bremnes / Kenneth Bremnes Norwegian: Shouldn’t happen Also earlier in February, a Norwegian plane collided at Gardermoen, then into a fence. No one was injured. Press officer Esben Tuman in Norwegian says that something like this should not and should not happen. – That is twice too much. That’s not how it should be, says Tuman about the two incidents in February. He says it is too early to say what has happened. – It is natural to look at it straight away, says Tuman. – Stay seated Kenneth Bremnes was also on the plane that collided. He says the passengers have been told to remain seated and that the situation may take some time to resolve. – Now they have just drained the air from the wheels of our plane to free us from the other and we are being pushed back towards the street by a tractor, says Bremnes to news.
