“Influencer of the year” voted at the Vixen awards – news Culture and entertainment

Frida Marie Grande was “Influencer of the Year” at the Vixen awards on Friday evening. – I’m talking about things that many people think are important, but which they often don’t know how to put into words, she says to news. Grande previously worked for Amnesty. She is best known for her drawings on Instagram, which contain both information and activism. – For me, it’s just a tool to get people to care about the issues I care about, she says. Frida Marie Grande, often referred to as “Fridategner”, on stage. Photo: NTB Sara Emilie Tandberg won “People’s favourite”, the only prize at the award ceremony that is based only on the people’s votes. – Actually completely unexpected, said a tearful Tandberg from the stage. It is the first time since 2017 that someone other than “Funkygine” has won this. The people’s favorite on the red carpet earlier in the evening. Photo: NTB These won this year The list is updated Fashion: Nina Sandbech Beauty: Julie Fiala Food: Emilie Nereng Interior, home and outdoor space: Julie Lorentzen Travel and outdoor life: Helene Myhre Sport and training: Kasper Kvello Health: Kaveh Rashidi Lifestyle: Selene Fjellvang Lie Entertainment: Oskar Westerlin Role model: Vidar Kristiansen Shooting star: Trygve Bennetsen Strong opinion: Frida Marie Grande Business: Camilla Pihl Knowledge: Wasim Zahid Sustainability: Jenny Skavlan People’s favourite: Sara Emilie Tandberg Influencers of the year: Frida Marie Grande – Many people who like attention gathered in one and the same room, says Vixen veteran and sustainability winner Jenny Skavlan. She calls the distribution “a circus”. Jenny Skavlan receives the sustainability award from Minister of Knowledge Kari Nessa Nordtun.Trygve Bennetsen received the shooting star award.Oskar Westerlin streamed live from the stage when he won the entertainment award.Emilie Nereng won in the food category.Camilla Lorentzen accepted the interior award for his wife Julie Lorentzen.Kasper Kvello is this year’s training profile.Julie Fiala won in the beauty category. Vidar Kristiansen, known as Psykologpappa, was “Role model of the year”. Nina Sandbech accepts the award for the fashion profile of the year. Newcomer Trygve Bennetsen was “Star of the Year”. Selene Fjellvang Lie won “Lifestyle of the Year”, and came on stage with her sister Angelika Lie. The Lie sisters on stage. Photo: NTB Record number of nominations Never before have more nominations been received for the awards. A jury of 15 chooses the winners, together with the 445,000 votes counted. And: – There is always a bit of drama at Vixen! That’s what VG commentator Selma Moren says. – Many of them are more powerful than media platforms, says VG commentator Selma Moren about the influencers. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news The “Knowledge” category is new this year. It was won by doctor Wasim Zahid. – It seems that the concept of influencer has expanded from what were once typical pink bloggers to accounts with all kinds of content. Health, nature, training – you name it, says Selma Moren. She believes this is a deliberate move on Vixen’s part. Commercial actors Mathilde Hogsnes is a doctoral student at Kristiania University College, where she researches influencers. She does not think it is sufficiently clear in the distribution that the influencers are commercial players. Mathilde Hogsnes believes the award is not representative of the industry. Photo: Jonatan A. Quintero / Jonatan A. Quintero – Their everyday life consists of collaborating with brands, developing collections, products and brands, she points out. This was also a debate in the autumn. – For many years, the industry has been criticized for large amounts of hidden advertising, so I think that Vixen should look at how they can contribute to improving these problems, she says. Vixen has one business prize, and it was won by Camilla Pihl. Photo: NTB
