Taped up, drilled with a drill and raped – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

A man is said to have been dressed naked, shaved and taped to a chair with duct tape. In addition, he had two holes drilled in his leg, several blows, kicks, his head under water and death threats. But the prosecution does not stop there. One of the men is also accused of having raped the man, by forcing him to perform oral sex. – He pleads guilty to all charges, beyond that I do not want to say anything until he has explained himself in court, says lawyer Petar Sekulic, who is defending the man with the rape charges against him. DEFENDER: Petar Sekulic is a lawyer for one of the defendants. The police take the incident very seriously. It was on the night of 11 July 2022 that the three defendants allegedly held the man captive in a house in Oslo. – The indictment concerns serious violence, deprivation of liberty and serious threats, and for one of the defendants, rape, against an offended party. In addition, charges have been brought against two of the defendants for violations of the drug legislation. In the prosecutor’s view, this is a very serious charge, says police prosecutor Mona Byrkjedal in the Oslo police district to news. Several fractures The man suffered extensive injuries and had to be stitched up. He suffered bruising and swelling, several major scrapes after being dragged outside and down a flight of stairs. He also suffered a fractured cheekbone and hand and acute post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the indictment. SIX DAYS: Six days have been set aside for the case in the Oslo District Court from Monday 5 February. Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB Aid attorney Bjørn Ove Blomholm Engelstad does not want to comment on the case before it goes to court. The three accused men are said to have held the man down using duct tape and threats. “Get the axe” “If he contacted the police, his whole family would be wiped out,” the indictment says. The price for escaping was half a million kroner, according to the indictment. “Get the axe” and threats to cut off his fingers and drill through his kneecap, are also something the men have to answer for. One of them spoke, while the other held on and a third person filmed. OSLO 2022: The events took place in a house in Oslo on 11 July 2022. Here is Oslo in February of the same year. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth – The indictment has been brought on the basis of an overall assessment of the evidence in the case. Parts of the course of events have been filmed, a number of technical investigations have been carried out in the case, in addition to the fact that the explanations of those involved will be important, says Byrkjedal. Cocaine, MDMA, cannabis The oldest man, who is in his 30s, also admits violence, deprivation of liberty and threats. He is also charged with a serious drug offense for keeping various types of drugs and embezzling NOK 17,000. DEFENDER: Gard Lind-Iversen defends the oldest of the men. Photo: Advokatfirmaet Storrvik – He pleads guilty to the indictment in its entirety, with the exception of parts of the description of the crime in relation to the violence. The core of it is that he has not been involved during the entire incident of violence, says defender Gard Lind-Iversen. Lind-Iversen will not go into the motive before the trial starts, but replies that both the accused and the victim are acquaintances. A third man who has been charged denies criminal guilt. – He denies criminal guilt on all counts, but admits to having been at the scene when the acts were committed, says defender Olle Nohlin. DEFENDER: Lawyer Olle Nohlin. Photo: Matrix Advokater The police prosecutor says the cause of the violent incidents in the summer of 2022 will be explained in court. – The victim had some form of acquaintance with one or more of the defendants from before. Whether there was an instigation or a conflict between the parties will be a topic during the presentation of evidence in court, says Byrkjedal. Six days have been set aside for the case in court, from Monday 5 February.
