Tesla drove into the Oslo Fjord, was rescued by a sauna boat – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Thursday was a completely unusual day for Nicholay Nordahl, who works on a badstove boat in the Oslofjord. On the way back to Aker Brygge, one of the guests on board says that a car has driven into the water. – I see that there is a person climbing out of the window on the driver’s side of the car. The person climbs onto the roof and helps another person out of the car, Nordahl describes. At the time, the boat was only 100–150 meters away from the car, he estimates. Thus he set a straight course towards the car to save the two people. But before they reached it, the car took in so much water that it sank. – They both ended up in the sea, says Nordahl. A sauna boat had to launch a rescue operation when two people ended up in the water after the car they were in drove into the Oslofjord. Able to warm up quickly Fortunately, they didn’t stay long in the water before the boat arrived. – It was also good that there was a sauna stove boat with a warm room in which they could warm up, after they ended up out in the fjord – which today was half a degree, he says. The rescue operation itself happened so quickly that he didn’t have time to think about anything other than driving the boat. – The shock or adrenaline didn’t quite set in until we luckily managed to save them. Don’t know what happened The Oslo police received a report about the incident at 15.39. They do not know why the car ended up in the water. – How are things going with the two people who were picked up from the water? The emergency services went out to Aker Brygge to pick up the car again. It did not go completely without problems. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen / NTB – It appears to me that they are relatively unharmed, apart from being cold, says operations manager Bjarne Pedersen of the Oslo police. The first report was that there were probably two people in the car. Pedersen also says that the fire service has searched the water around the car, and that nothing indicates that there is anyone in the water. Challenging to save the car Shortly after the incident, the fire service was on site at Aker Brygge to raise the car from the water. – The challenge is that it is an electric car, and it starts to smoke as soon as he takes it up to the surface, says Sverre Starholm, emergency manager in the fire service. Incident leader Sverre Starholm in the fire service says they cannot raise the car from the water yet. Photo: Hallgeir Braastad / news This indicates that something has happened to the battery – and also means that the fire service cannot extinguish the fire in the usual way. – We will lower him to the bottom again and let him stand there for 48 hours, before we raise the car again, says Starholm.
