Russian submarines discovered outside Bergen – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The British ship HMS Portland was on a mission in the North Sea off the west coast when it spotted the Russian submarines Severodvinsk and Vepr. This is stated by the British Navy in a press release. The submarines should have been observed when they came to the surface on Saturday 16 and Tuesday 19 July. It was the Swedish Expressen that mentioned the case first. The British ship shadowed the submarines until NATO and Baltic forces took over. The Russian submarines continued into St. Petersburg. The Russian Navy Day will be celebrated there on 31 July. The Russian submarine Severodvinsk and the British naval ship HMS Portland pictured from the Merlin helicopter. Photo: POPhot Jay Allen / Royal Navy The crew of HMS Portland must have been helped by a special helicopter named Merlin. Both vessels are equipped with advanced sensors and sonars. The successful shadowing of the Russian submarines comes shortly after NATO organized its first submarine hunting exercise. – This successful operation marks the culmination of a longer period of training and exercises. This is a testament to my sailors’ dedication and professionalism, says Commander of HMS Portland, Tim Leeder.
