The Bureau of Police Affairs investigates overtaking by a police car – news Troms and Finnmark

A video of the police call out in Troms at the weekend has caused reactions on social media. The video shows a police car overtaking on the E6 in Indre Troms. The one overtaking was not far from a bend. – As stated in the press release, we and the local police have received several inquiries related to the problem. It is important for us then to go out and confirm that we have this case with us, says Espen Krogh, head of department for the Bureau’s case reception. The press release states: “The special unit will obtain information from, among other things, the police district and then assess whether there are grounds for launching an investigation. A possible decision will be made at the end of week 31 at the earliest.” The Bureau does not wish to comment on the matter beyond that. Truls Simonsen filmed the overtaking. He says that the police car first drove past his car, and then the car in front. – I was a little scared when I saw the other car coming towards me. It was a disgusting experience, says Simonsen to news. What should you do when the police make an emergency call: You must help the emergency vehicle forward. You should stop, move to the side, or both. You can also show that you have seen the emergency vehicle by using brake lights or turn signals, or by placing the car to the side Source: Section leader for the patrol in Tromsø, Yngve Vidding. – Undramatic Anne Ottesen sat in the car coming in the opposite direction. She believes the film looks much worse than how the incident actually was. – It was really quite undramatic, and I think the police had full control, she says. Acting head of the Midt-Troms police station district, John-Kåre Granheim told news that the overtaking happened during an emergency call. He said they had chosen not to use blue light due to the nature of the mission. – Our drivers train a lot on emergency calls, regularly have emergency vehicle registration, and may in some cases break the Road Traffic Act. Having said that, we are now having an internal discussion in the district about whether the patrol should have chosen another option, and whether the overtaking was correct in terms of proportionality, he told news.
