Kjerkol copied from a master’s thesis written in 2013 – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The case in summary news has revealed textual similarities between Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol’s master’s thesis and a SINTEF report from 2016, a report from the University College in Buskerud og Vestfold and a master’s thesis from 2013. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre states that he still has confidence in Kjerkol. Nord University will investigate the matter. Kjerkol has said that she will not comment on the matter further. A total of 192 words in Kjerkol’s thesis are identical to the master’s thesis from 2013. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. On Tuesday, news revealed new textual similarities between Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol’s master’s thesis and a SINTEF report from 2016 and a report from the University College in Buskerud og Vestfold, without Kjerkol citing the reports in the text. But Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) still trusts her. – She is a minister in my government and has confidence in my government. I’m not prejudging anything, Støre told news on Tuesday morning. Now news can show four parts with a high degree of textual similarity between the Minister of Health’s master’s thesis and a master’s thesis from 2013. A total of 192 words in Kjerkol’s thesis are identical to the 2013 thesis, according to a count news has made. VG has mentioned parts of the document previously, but has not shown the text extracts. More similarities The master’s thesis refers to several of the same primary sources, but Kjerkol fails to state the master’s thesis from 2013 as the source. The text excerpt in Kjerkol’s thesis has many similarities: There are also several similarities between the two texts in another place in the thesis: Exactly the same sentences. We would like to receive information about. The questions must invite the informant to reflect on the topics we want to ask about and at the same time give us full answers.” Kjerkol uses exactly the same phrases in his thesis. In another example, the sentences are also almost identical, but in Kjerkol’s master’s thesis the semicolon has been replaced by a comma: news has been in contact with one of the authors behind the 2013 thesis. – I don’t want to comment more than that there is great textual similarity. That is what we have come up with, says Inger Lise Guldseth Augdal, who first spoke to VG. Nord University examines the thesis Kjerkol has justified similarities in text using the same method. At the same time, similarities have also emerged in the sections dealing with informants – those interviewed in the thesis. Kjerkol has maintained that the informants were “known and unique for our task”. On Monday evening, Kjerkol stated via the Ministry of Health and Care that she would not comment further on the matter. – I am not going to comment on the assignment any more now, but will refer to Nord University who will look into the matter in the usual way in line with current routines for this. I want to be involved in the process in line with their routines, she told news. news has sent the text similarities to the Ministry of Health and Care. Political adviser Per Anders Trovik Langerød responds as follows in an email: “Nord University has said they will investigate the matter. We have no comment beyond what has been given so far about this.”
