The police believe they have found a possible crime scene after the Askim death – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

On Tuesday morning, a woman was found badly injured in a car that was parked in a bus pocket north of Askim centre. The woman was pronounced dead shortly afterwards. The driver, a man in his 50s, was charged the same day with negligent homicide. Now the police believe they have found a possible crime scene. On Thursday, they carried out technical investigations in an area on national highway 115 near Garsvik in Aurskog-Høland, which is around 40 kilometers away from where the woman was found in the car. “The police consider it possible that this could be the area where the woman has suffered significant injuries. Among other things, preliminary tests show the discovery of blood on the road surface, and this has been sent in for further analyses,” the police write in a press release. The police also want contact with people who were in the area on the night of Tuesday 19 July. They are calling for tips regarding sightings of a 2022 model Suzuki Across. Claims she jumped out of the car The man has explained that he picked up the woman at an emergency room and was going to drive her home. But on the way the woman is said to have jumped out of the car at a very high speed. He backed away and tried to contact the emergency services, but his cellphone was out of power. The man does not remember where the woman allegedly jumped out, but remembers that he drove as fast as he could to find a hospital. Eventually they ended up in Askim where they stopped a car. The police believe there are three possible conditions that could have caused the accused to have caused the woman’s death: That he should have stopped the car when the woman threatened to get out of the car or took off her seat belt. That he backed up at high speed and may have run over her leg. That he did not immediately contact the emergency services or start life-saving treatment. Unsuccessful On Wednesday, the man explained himself in a detention meeting in Follo and Nordre Østfold District Court. There, the police did not agree that the man should be detained. The police have appealed the decision to the Court of Appeal. – It is a deeply tragic incident which we believe does not belong in criminal law, said the accused’s defender Marianne Darre-Næss to news earlier this week. The defender describes the case as a personal tragedy, and says that the man is having a particularly difficult and tough time.
