Sp-toppers think Sandra Borch’s departure is unfortunate – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Sandra Borch (Sp) resigned as Minister of Research and Higher Education on Friday, following revelations about plagiarism in her master’s thesis. Now several in Sp fear that it could affect the party, when yet another minister has to resign. A few days ago, a new opinion poll came out which shows that SV is now twice as big as Sp. Former agriculture minister and now county deputy mayor in Telemark, Terje Riis–Johansen, believes that it was the only right thing for her to resign as a minister. – I think this is boring. Sandra has done a good job for the party and has left her mark. Not good for the party Sandra Borch, the fourth minister from Sp, who has left the government since 2022. The same applies to Sp politicians Ola Borten Moe, Odd Roger Enoksen and Sigbjørn Gjelsvik. Several SP leaders believe it is unfortunate for the party. – There are probably many who are aware that it is of course not good either for the party or politics in general, says Ivar Prestbakmo. He is a parliamentary representative and central board member in the party. County leader in Nordland Sp, Frank Johnsen, regrets that they are losing good politicians in the government. – It is of course a serious situation. Both Sandra and Ola, who went last, are very skilled politicians. That they have made these mistakes affects us, says Johnsen. He expects that a new minister after Borch will come from Nordland. County leader in Nordland Sp, Frank Johnsen, says the party has lost several capable ministers. Photo: AIdem Media / NTB Unlucky for party and government Tomas Iver Hallem is county mayor in Trøndelag. He praises the work Borch has done, both as Minister of Agriculture and Food and as Minister of Research and Higher Education, but believes that it was necessary for her to resign from the Cabinet post. – It is always unfortunate that you have ministers who have to resign, says Hallem. The county mayor believes it shifts the focus from political work. – You lose momentum and speed and focus in relation to the government’s work. It is unfortunate, both for the party and the government. County mayor Tomas Iver Hallem believes it is also unfortunate for the government that Borch had to resign. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Did a good job – Sad, but true. This is what Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said when he held a press conference on Saturday about the departure of Research and Higher Education Minister Sandra Borch. He is not alone in that conclusion. news has been in contact with a number of key politicians from the Center Party, including the party’s leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum. – Sandra Borch has made a mistake, and has chosen to take responsibility for it herself. I respect that. She has been an able minister, who has left a mark. She has been a clear voice, first for agriculture and then in her role as minister for research and higher education, says Vedum. He says that Borch has been important to his party, and will continue to be so in the Storting. Now they have to find a new minister. Trygve Slagsvold Vedum (Sp) and Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap). Photo: Une Solheim / news Must clarify the rules for plagiarism Per Olaf Lundteigen has sat in the Storting for the Center Party in Buskerud for many years. He was surprised when he heard about the departure. – It was an absolutely necessary decision. Because you just don’t do that. Lundteigen believes that the current rules for plagiarism must be made clearer. – The case shows that there is a need to clarify the regulations for plagiarism. The precision requirement must be simple and clear, both for students and the teaching staff, he believes. The county leader of the Center Party in Buskerud, Sigrid Simensen Ilsøy, regrets Sandra Borch’s resignation, but she believes she had no choice. Ola Borten Moe (Sp) delivered the keys to Sandra Borch (Sp) on 4 August last year. Now they have both left the government. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB
