More injured after the Oslo shooting do not get appointed legal aid lawyer – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

After the terrorist attacks on 22 July 2011, everyone who was on Utøya, in and around the government quarter and the boat people who helped the young people in Tyrifjorden were appointed assistance lawyers. Lawyer Christian Lundin represented several of those affected after July 22. He now represents more than 60 people after the pub shooting in Oslo on the night of Saturday 25 June this year. Several of them were involved in disarming and arresting the perpetrator Zaniar Matapour. Some were shot. Others were damaged by the shards of glass from broken windows. They were all present during what is being investigated as a terrorist attack. Several civilian boat owners contributed to the rescue of the young people who swam from the bullets on Utøya on July 22, 2011, and even experienced being shot after. These were appointed legal aid lawyers. Lundin has applied to be appointed as an assistance lawyer for many of those who were present during the terrorist act. Several of the applications have been rejected by the Oslo District Court. – These are random civilians and civilian heroes who now feel let down, Lundin says to news. – Incredibly strict line When you get an assistance lawyer appointed by the district court, you do not have to pay for it yourself. That is why Lundin believes it is so important that those affected after the Oslo shooting get an assistance lawyer appointed. – These are people who are really struggling. They have nightmares, are scared and anxious, and some have taken to the bottle to drink away the memories. There are significant mental problems, says Lundin. Assistance lawyer Christian Lundin represents over 60 people after the shooting in Oslo in June. The district court will not formally appoint him as an assistance lawyer for several of them. Photo: Elin Martinsen He therefore believes it is incomprehensible that the district court has rejected several of his applications for permission to be appointed. – The district court has taken an incredibly strict line that fundamentally breaks with previous practice, such as the practice that was followed after the terrorist acts in 2011. Those who were present on Utøya and in the Government Quarter all had an assistance lawyer appointed to look after their interests in the case. Lundin. The district court, on the other hand, shows in one of the rejections of the shooting episode outside the nightclub Blå in Oslo in 2017. Here, several people were also rejected by the assistance lawyer, who was close to the perpetrator during the shooting. Lundin is now working to appeal all of the district court’s decisions not to appoint him as an assistance lawyer. – This is very, very special. There are people here who have been involved in averting several murders, says Lundin. Not serious enough news has seen examples of the district court’s rejection of Lundin’s applications to be appointed as an assistance lawyer. Here, the district court believes the situation has not been serious enough for those involved. Lundin thinks this is completely wrong. – I have someone who has been shot in the jaw and shoulder, and who is seriously injured, who can not be appointed an assistance lawyer. Another was disarming the perpetrator and had his pistol aimed at his stomach. She struggles a lot afterwards. It does not hold to have been on the scene, or to have been damaged by the shards of glass from broken window panes after the attack in Oslo in June, to have an assistance lawyer appointed, the Oslo District Court states. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB In its decision regarding the appointment of an assistance lawyer for the woman who was involved in disarming Matapour, the Oslo District Court writes that “it is not necessarily the case that assisting in the arrest of the perpetrator leads to being considered offended ». Furthermore, the district court writes that she, unlike many others, was not shot at and therefore was not in danger of death. Does not hold to have been on the spot In another refusal from the district court, which concerns a person who was injured by glass fragments, it says that being on Per on the corner, London pub or in the surrounding area when the shooting took place does not alone mean that there is a need to appoint an assistance lawyer. This is in stark contrast to what was practiced after 22 July. – It is difficult to answer why a difference is made between those who were involved now, and for example the boat people during the Utøya attack, Lundin says. – On the border of nonsense Eivind Rindal was on Utøya in 2011, and witnessed the attack in Oslo on June 25 this year. He is also the leader of Trondheim pride. Jonas Gahr Støre and Eivind Rindal during the memorial service on Utøya in 2012. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB He benefited greatly from his development assistance lawyer after 22 July, and believes it is crucial that those affected by the attack in Oslo can also be appointed an development assistance lawyer. – My immediate reaction is that this seems almost on the verge of nonsense. Here, people have been in direct danger of death and have been exposed to an attack, Rindal says to news. He believes it is absolutely crucial that those who were in the sheltered pubs are offered an assistance lawyer. He himself was in a pub across the road, and was never even in the line of fire.
