– We deal with people – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Today, too, the police and the Red Cross are using search sticks to find the presumed dead woman in Stavern. One of the police’s theories is that she was killed by her roommate, who took his own life after the murder. But for the time being, the police will not publicly say which theories they have the most faith in. At the same time, rumors are spreading in social media and forums – about the past, the family, who will be involved in the case and where the woman might be. The police: Think about the relatives – Personally, I’m not too happy about rumours, says the head of the police, Marius Dale, to news. He wants all tips and information about the case to go through the police. – We want tips, and we cannot deal with rumours. – Is it common for rumors to arise in such cases? – It is not unusual, we have seen that in other cases. And what I want to say is that there are relatives and survivors and we are dealing with people. So I encourage people to be careful, especially in social media. Operations leader Marius Dale will not specifically comment on the rumors that are being spread in connection with the disappearance case in Stavern. But Photo: Theo Aasland Valen / news Inserting divers On Wednesday, it is planned to go through an area north of the residential area. Crews from the Red Cross, Stavern folk high school and Norwegian rescue dogs are involved in the search. – Are you going to step down eventually? – It is an ongoing assessment. The case is being worked on broadly with a view to investigation. If no findings are made, we plan for a search tomorrow and possibly the following day, Dale told news on Wednesday morning. On Wednesday afternoon, however, police attorney Ole Jacob Garder confirmed to VG that they will search through the waterfront in the center of Stavern with divers tomorrow and Friday. – Now the operational search for the woman is put on hold, the search crews need to rest. They also hope the change in temperature will help with dog searches, Dale told news on Wednesday afternoon. Help from other places The aid corps in Vestfold on Wednesday sent in new crews into the search for the missing woman today. They called in rescue teams from several neighboring districts, including a special group to search steep slopes. – The search has now been extended to the areas around the missing person’s residence. Parts of the search area consist of steep cliffs and gorges. This makes the search very demanding, and there is an enormous amount of snow, especially in these gorges, says communication adviser in Vestfold and Telemark Red Cross, Bjørn Hjalmar Andersen. The Red Cross is searching for housing in the area around the woman on Wednesday. Photo: Theodor Aasland Valen / news
