Professionals concerned about young people’s use of earplugs – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary One in five young people use earplugs more than seven hours a day, according to a survey from Norstat in 2020. Psychologist Vidar Kristiansen believes excessive use of earplugs can prevent young people from getting to know their own feelings, needs and values. Brain researcher Marte Roa Syvertsen believes that too much use of earplugs can lead to poorer well-being in life in general, as it can prevent random meetings and conversations. Psychologist Johanne Gautneb is not particularly concerned that the use of earplugs means less time for one’s own thoughts and reflections. But she believes excessive use can be problematic in view of too little interpersonal contact. Oscar (17) uses earplugs for around four hours every day, and believes it is important to take breaks from using them. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – I listen to music and podcasts to pass the time, says Oscar Wiensabel. For around four hours every day, his ears are plugged with earplugs. – I use them when I train, at school, on the bus and when I do homework, he says. He goes to Stavanger Cathedral School. There he notices that people wear earplugs constantly. Oscar puts in his AirPods a number of times during the day. For example, when he does homework. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news – Can be harmful – It can go beyond how well you get to know yourself, your own feelings, needs and values. Psychologist specialist Vidar Kristiansen, also known as @psykolog.pappa on Instagram, is clear. – If the use of earplugs becomes so extensive and frequent that we do not take the time to think, feel, feel or reflect, then it can be harmful, says the psychologist. And then he’s not talking about earplugs you use to shut out noise – but earplugs you connect to your phone to listen to music, videos and podcasts. Psychological specialist Vidar Kristiansen. He is behind the Instagram account @psykolog.pappa with almost 50,000 followers. Photo: Privat Earplugs and headphones have become an essential part of our everyday life. Practically speaking, it is very nice to listen to what you want without disturbing those around you. But according to psychologist Kristiansen, problems can arise if the plugs are used too much, and for the wrong purpose. How often do you use earplugs/headphones every day?🎧 Almost never😂 Up to one hour😅 One to two hours😊 Two to four hours😎 More than four hours🙊 Show result Heavy use of earplugs A survey from Norstat in 2020 showed that one in five ages 15 to 19 wear earplugs seven hours or more each day. Just as many sleep with them on their ear. The audio medium is growing in popularity and podcasts in particular have become very large. In 2022, 1.1 million earplugs and 720,000 headphones were sold in Norwegian electronics stores, according to figures from the Electronics Industry Foundation. One in five 15-19 year olds use earplugs for seven hours or more every day. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news – The world is crammed full of technology fighting for our attention. The brain gets used to being fed with stimuli, and when it doesn’t get it, it screams for more, says Kristiansen. He is not concerned about the use of earplugs per se. But: – I am concerned about the phenomenon that I believe is a symptom of – i.e. the constant association with technology, he says. – We need to be bored Marte Roa Syvertsen is a brain researcher at Drammen Hospital. She shares the same concern as psychologist Kristiansen. – For the brain to work creatively and creatively, it needs to be bored. A lot of stimuli leaves little room for creativity, and you may feel that you have to fill up with something in order not to get restless, she says. Brain researcher at Drammen Hospital, Marte Roa Syvertsen. When we constantly have sound in our ears and a screen in our faces, she says that we have closed off the environment around us. She believes young people miss out on a lot because of this. Photo: Magne Risnes In addition, she mentions that a lot of use of earplugs can lead to poorer well-being in life in general. – If we are only introverted and not open to, for example, random meetings and conversations, we will have a bad encounter with what is most important for health and happiness, she says. And the most important thing for good health and happiness, says the neuroscientist, is good relationships with other people. Psychologist Kristiansen says it is important to actually listen to thoughts and feelings – and not push them away. – It often tells us what we need. And if we listen, then with a curious and non-judgmental attitude we can try to understand why we react the way we do and what we need, he says. Many questions about mental health from young people In 2023, received around 9,000 questions about mental health. is the state’s information channel for young people, where young people can, among other things, submit anonymous questions which are answered by a specialist panel. – In one form or another, most are about understanding and coping with emotions, says senior health advisor at, Anne Holter Bentzrød Anne Holter Bentzrød is senior health advisor at Photo: – Young people are reflective One of the psychologists who answers questions from young people on this website is Johanne Gautneb. She is not particularly concerned that using earplugs means less time for her own thoughts and reflections. – My experience is that today’s youth are enlightened, reflective and aware of their own and other people’s thoughts and feelings, she says. Psychologist Johanne Gautneb. She believes that extensive use of earplugs does not have particularly large negative consequences for the psyche of young people. Photo: Privat Nevertheless, she believes excessive use can be problematic in view of too little interpersonal contact and challenge of one’s own thoughts. – But young people today are better at multitasking and will most likely do a lot of reflection despite having something on their ear, says psychologist Gautneb. Attention to use High school student Oscar himself says it is important to take a break from the earplugs. – The head can sometimes spin after listening to music for several hours. As long as you don’t walk around with them all the time, you’ll be fine. Oscar has noticed that many fellow students at Stavanger Katedralskole use earplugs almost constantly. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news He thinks it might be a bad idea to walk around with earplugs in and out of time. – You can’t wear them around the dinner table with the family, for example, says Oscar. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
