Stormur Kristjansson was only allowed to use his bike for two months – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I had saved from two birthdays and one Christmas for that bike, says 9-year-old Stormur Kristjansson. He shows where his bike was before anyone came and took it. The bike was locked at the back of the house. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news The bike was extra special for him, since it is the first brand new bike he has had. – We have only bought used bikes for him before, so being able to go to the store and buy a brand new bike was quite big for him, says Rakel Olsen, Stormur’s mother. He was only allowed to wear it for two months before it was stolen. Olsen first reported the case to Drammens Tidende. – It is quite rotten to steal a children’s bicycle, she says. Stormur had been looking forward to buying a brand new bike for a long time, but was only allowed to use it a few times before it was stolen. Photo: PRIVATE The bicycle was attached to the terrace at the back of their house in Drammen, so the thief had walked around the property to look for something to steal. – I think it is pretty badly done, says Stormur. Large increase in bicycle thefts Stormur is not alone in having his bicycle stolen. So far this year, the number of bicycle thefts in this country has increased by 17 percent compared to last year, figures from the police show. In what was previously Buskerud county, the increase has been 35 percent, and most of it takes place in Drammen. Sigmund Clementz, information manager at IF insurance, also believes that there are large hidden numbers when it comes to bicycle thefts. Sigmund Clementz, information manager at IF insurance, has good tips for keeping bicycle thieves away. Photo: Vilde Jagland / news – We know that there are many bicycle thefts that are not reported to the police or the insurance companies. There can be many reasons for this, for example that the bikes are old and of little value, says Clementz. The number of bicycle thefts has increased in recent years, and last year 13,500 stolen bicycles were reported to the insurance companies. – That number is probably far too small, Clementz thinks. Still the non-electric ones who are most exposed Despite the fact that more and more people are getting electric bicycles, it is not these that most are stolen from. – It is probably still the case that it is the good old wooden bikes that are most exposed, because most of them are. But we see that more and more people get bikes with electric motors, and they are very attractive. Many electric bikes are relatively new, look good and are worth more money. Few bicycles recover if they have been stolen. But if you are very fond of your bike, there is hope for reunion. So far this year, 17 percent more bicycles have been stolen than last year. Photo: Sara Johannessen / SCANPIX – When you submit a report to the police, it is important that you also state the frame number associated with the bicycle. If the police come across stolen bicycles, they then have the opportunity to reunite the bicycle and owner, says Clementz. Can’t ride a bike with friends this summer One of the things Stormur had been looking forward to most this summer was being able to ride around with friends on his new bike. – But now I have to use a scooter. The bike was fastened with a lock. Next to it stood two older unlocked bicycles, but they did not take the thief with them. Rakel Olsen, Stormur’s mother, thinks it is very rotten to steal a child’s bicycle, and hopes those who took it have a bad conscience and return it. Photo: Veslemøy Prøis / news – It is a bit special that they only choose to take the one bike that was attached with a lock. But that was probably because it was brand new. They also brought with them some new tools. So they have supplied themselves, says Rakel Olsen, the mother of Stormur. They have reported the theft and hope that someone feels guilty and returns the bike. Tips for avoiding bicycle theft Replace the wire lock with a hoop lock. Wire lock can be cut over in one to two seconds with simple tools almost no matter how thick it is. Lock your bike with two different locking systems. Then the bike thief needs various tools. Preferably leave your bike where there are a lot of people all the time. Then it is more uncomfortable to steal. Attach the bike in something solid and fixed. Store your bike in a locked garage or storage room. If you have an electric bicycle, you should take the battery with you. If you have a regular bicycle, you can take the seat with you. Then you make it less attractive to steal. Take care of the receipt. Write down the frame number on the bike and store it in a safe place. Feel free to register the bike in a bike register.
