People should get better advice – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The past year has been characterized by war and conflict, climate change and storms, and slimmer wallets. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre summarized all this in his New Year’s speech. – Let’s be honest: For many, 2023 was a year where we encountered forces beyond our control, forces that made many uneasy and insecure, said Støre. Despite a challenging last year, the prime minister focused on hope and opportunities for 2024. And to start with the immediate things: – The government’s goal is clear: People should get better advice, said Støre. The Prime Minister assured that the government has worked towards a turning point in the economy, where price growth is moderated so that interest rates can also be reduced. – Yes, it has taken time. But we are approaching this tipping point now. We have prospects for a more stable economy, for the country, companies and for each and every one of us, said Støre. Humanity While former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland was known for the statement “It’s Norwegian to be good”, Støre emphasized what he believes to be Norwegians’ ability to sympathize with others. – Humanity and care, good deeds, bind the Norwegian social fabric together, said Støre. He believes that all of us, in a time of unrest and insecurity, can do a lot. – We can stand up for others, we can be generous with each other, we can give of our time. Each one of us, and we as a community. Støre urged that there be room for a wide range of opinions, cultures and religious communities in Norway. – Let’s show that trusting diversity counteracts polarisation, said Støre. Hope and opportunities in 2024 featured prominently in Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre’s New Year’s speech. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB – Green actions The Prime Minister spent a lot of time on green transition in his speech. – Although the climate crisis is global and climate change is frightening, we are not powerless, said Støre. He claimed that the UN climate summit has never given the world’s countries stronger commitments than now. – Efforts to cut emissions and ensure the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy are gaining momentum. Not only at international meetings, but in our homes, at universities, with researchers and in companies. He pointed to offshore wind as a unique, renewable resource, which for Norway can become as big as hydropower. – Going forward, climate action must go faster than the changes. It is our responsibility and it is our great opportunity. The Prime Minister pointed to the strong efforts of Norwegian companies in the transition to green energy, but also singled out everyone who saves energy, and chooses reuse and environmental friendliness in everyday life. People in need Foreign Affairs also had a place in the speech of Jonas Gahr Støre, who himself has a past as foreign minister. He spoke of how terror and war always hit civilians the hardest. A woman stands in front of a house that was destroyed by Israeli bombs in a refugee camp in Rafah. Prime Minister Støre says that Norway’s voice is clear: Stop the hostilities. Photo: – / AFP That young people at a music festival were among those who were attacked and killed in Israel on 7 October. And that many of the tens of thousands killed and injured in Gaza are children. – Norway’s voice is clear: Stop the hostilities. People in need must get help, said the prime minister. Støre also said that the Ukrainians’ fight is our fight because Europe becomes more insecure when brutal armed force is used to deprive others of their freedom and move borders. He also pointed out that Norway has lived in peace with our neighbor Russia for one thousand years, that we take care of our security, and that Norway does not threaten anyone. – History tells us that we can end wars. And that people with their inner strength and humanity have managed to rise after war and hardship.
