– Disturbing, says Redningsselskap – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

41 people have died in drowning accidents so far this year. – It is not good, says Øystein Øverbø from a sandy beach along Lake Mjøsa. He likes himself best on land, and not out in the water. However, when it is summer and hot temperatures in large parts of the country, swimming can still be alluring. This makes the Rescue Company worried. To be considered able to swim, you must be able to swim at least 200 meters. One in three people can not swim further than that, shows a recent survey done by Norstat on behalf of Frende insurance. – It is not quite good, you should be able to swim longer. I can not swim 200 meters myself, but it would have been nice to be able to, says Øverbø. BEST ON COUNTRY: Øystein Øverbø admits that he likes himself best on land, and not out in the water. Photo: Roar Berntsen / news – Disturbing The figures are disturbing, says consulting doctor at Frende Forsikring, Helge Skjerven. – We see far too many drowning accidents every single year, he says. In the survey, men respond more confidently about their own swimming skills than women. Can you swim longer than 200 meters? Yes, I’m very good at swimming! Yes, but not so much more No, I probably can not Show result But the statistics show something completely different. Last year, 75 people died in drowning accidents in Norway. 87 percent of them were men. – It may seem as if men overestimate their own swimming skills, says Skjerven. Norwegians weakest The swimming skills of children and adults also turn out to be weaker in Norway than in our neighboring countries. – We are the worst at swimming in the Nordics. Both children and adults. It is of course stupid in a country with a long coastline and many lakes and rivers. It is very important that people learn to swim. It can save lives, says Tanja Krangnes, head of drowning prevention at the Rescue Company. LEARN TO SWIM: – Unfortunately, summer is the time of year when most drowning accidents occur. Having good swimming skills is important, says Tanja Krangnes, head of drowning prevention at the Rescue Company. Photo: Redningsselskapet Figures from Redningsselskapet show that eight people have died in drowning accidents so far in July, and 41 people in total this year. – That’s 41 for many. We have no life to lose. We are concerned with putting in place a zero vision for drowning accidents, and that the Storting and the government are in favor of this. We want a prepared national action plan, so that together we can reduce the drowning figures, says Krangnes. Main findings from the survey: A new survey Norstat has done for Frende Forsikring shows that: 21 percent can not swim more than 200 meters 13 percent say they can swim, but that they can not 200 meters 3 percent say they can not swim Source: Frende Forsikring – Not like in the film Krangnes from the rescue company says it is important to make good preparations for the bathing experience to be as safe as possible. She encourages you to practice swimming, and to repeat the bathing rules. The 9 bathing rules 1. Learn to swim 2. Before you go out, make sure you can get back up 3. Swim preferably with others 4. Dive only where it is deep 5. Swim along shore 6. Do not swim under the jetty or in front of a diving board 7. Do not push others into the water and never dive anyone underwater 8. Stay ashore if you feel cold or unwell 9. Only call for help if you are in danger – never otherwise! Source: rs.no – Know how to recognize a drowning accident. A drowning does not look like on film. It usually happens quietly, because the drowning person spends all his energy trying to breathe and stay afloat. – Our encouragement to the people is to take extra good care of those you are with. Ask once too much rather than once too little – if in doubt, she adds.
