Bad weather and slippery roads create trouble – news Vestland

Both on rv. 13 Vikafjellet and fv.53 Tyin-Årdal toil the plowing crew with the large amount of rainfall. Several danger warnings have been sent out following the change in weather, and this presents challenges in traffic. – We receive many complaints about slippery roads. Plowing is lacking, and there is a lot of snow and slush that has come down, says traffic operator Kjetil Larsen. On rv. 13 Vikafjellet, heavy traffic must use chains. The Norwegian Public Roads Administration informs that the plowing crew is not allowed to maintain the friction requirement on the road. – It’s icy, so make sure it’s slippery here, is the encouragement from the Road Traffic Center. Larsen says that the mountain crossings can be closed at short notice. – A lot of snow has been reported, and this can lead to both convoy driving and closed roads. County road 51 Valdresflya is now closed due to bad weather. There will be a new assessment on Saturday morning. – Stay up-to-date on the Swedish Road Administration’s website, is his advice to those who are going out on a vegan journey.
