Exercise grenade led to evacuation of Bodø airport – news Nordland

The object was quickly checked out when it turned out to be a practice grenade. When the airport was evacuated, a family father contacted the guards at the airport. – He informed that in his son’s luggage there could be an exercise grenade, says operations manager Ivar Bo Nilsson to news. – We took the father of the child with us to the luggage, and were able to establish that it was a practice grenade. The police in Nordland write on Twitter that the airport will reopen. Nilsson states that the Defender uses blue practice grenades when they train. – It was found in checked baggage. When screening the luggage, there was a reaction, says Nilsson. It was not the police themselves who decided to evacuate the airport. Nilsson says that it is rare for such incidents to lead to evacuation of airports. Bodø airport was evacuated on Monday night. Photo: Bente H. Johansen / news
