Weather changes increase the risk of avalanches – news Nordland

– We are sending out an advance warning for Nordland county with a high risk of avalanches, danger level four, says Markus Eckerstorfer, supervisor of the Snow avalanche warning. Danger level four corresponds to a red danger warning, which is the second highest danger level. Locally up to 15 millimeters of precipitation as snow is expected in Helgeland, the black ice, Lofoten and Vesterålen. The mild weather will also hit other places in the country. Among other things, parts of Western Norway. Eckerstorfer says this increases the risk of naturally triggered landslides. – Danger level four means there is a risk of large, naturally triggered avalanches, and these can reach roads, for example, says Eckerstorfer. Danger levels for avalanches operates with five different danger levels for avalanches. Danger level 1 – slight Danger level 2 – moderate danger Danger level 3 – significant danger Danger level 4 – great danger Danger level 5 – very great danger. Danger level 5 is rare, but is important in preparedness for landslides against roads, tracks, infrastructure and buildings. At level 5, all traffic is advised against. Source: Helgeland and Hardanger worst Varsom does not advise anyone to visit avalanche terrain. – This could mean an increasing probability of landslides, but also increased consequences of the landslides. Often it is a combination of both, says Eckerstorfer. – We are also going to send out a warning for possible danger level four for Vestland county, says Eckerstorfer. It can be worst in Helgeland and Hardanger. – It is difficult to say where it will be worst, but the forecasts we have right now are Svartisen and Helgeland. Locally, 40–50 millimeters of rain falls there. The low pressure that hits Norway this weekend can be called an atmospheric river. If it calms down over Norway, there may be large amounts of precipitation. This is reported by the Meteorologists on X/Twitter. Atmospheric rivers are warm, moist air from the Atlantic Ocean that is carried by strong winds in the atmosphere. When the air masses come to Norway, the mountains cause the water vapor to be converted into rain. The low pressure also brings with it a weather circulation that will provide really mild weather. The plus degrees will frolic around the whole country towards the weekend, but in Western Norway the mild weather is expected to hit as early as Wednesday, writes NTB. Sends out advance notice Normally, vardsma only sends out notices for 24 hours at a time, but now they have chosen to start a new practice. From now on, they will send out advance notices to the emergency response apparatus in the municipalities some time in advance. – This means that when there is a possible danger level four or five situation, we send it out a few days in advance with the intention of warning the emergency services, says Eckerstorfer. The emergency response team includes people from the municipality, the county, the police and the Swedish Road Administration, among others. This practice is new from this year. – We want the emergency response apparatus to have some time to be prepared for danger level four or five, says Eckerstorfer. Asgeir Jordbru is county emergency manager in Nordland. He is not surprised by the warning. – I knew it would come. At risk level four, we will make an assessment of the content, and notify the municipalities and the county emergency preparedness council. Alongside the risk of avalanches in the mountains, Jordbru says the concern is linked to transport along the county’s roads. – Throughout the winter, you get a ball bearing with snow at the bottom, with loose snow on top. When it rains at the top, landslides can occur. If the avalanche goes towards the road, it can be dangerous. He also worries that there may be many slippery roads, as there is a lot of snow on the roads today. More avalanche accidents in good weather The Red Cross aid corps is on standby throughout the ski season, but steps up when good weather is reported combined with the risk of avalanches. At danger level four, a lot of precipitation, wind and mild weather are usually reported. – Then there are fewer people who go to the summit, and very rarely anyone dies in the mountains, says Tormod Eldholm, head of the avalanche resource group of the Red Cross rescue corps. Tormod Eldholm is head of the Red Cross landslide resource group. Photo: Per-Ivar Kvalsvik / news He believes the danger is greater for landslides against infrastructure and roads. Even if the weather becomes demanding in many places, it is still possible to take up skiing with the right planning, he adds. – There are trips in more gentle terrain that are completely safe at danger level four. The most important thing is to stay away from steep areas, and to use the warning we have, which is very good in Norway. We more often see avalanche accidents with skiers at danger levels two and three, because then people tend to forget the danger of avalanches.
