Only one dared to attack Trump – news Urix – Utenriksnyheter og documentaren

Nikki Haley is far behind Trump in the polls. But she has become his clearest challenger when there are only six weeks left until the nomination elections in the United States start. In the fourth debate of the night, where Trump again failed to show up, Haley was allowed to review. The two challengers to her right, Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy, accused her of being in the pocket of big corporations. Ramaswamy claimed that she cannot place more countries on the map like his three-year-old can. But then the fourth man in the debate Chris Christie Haley came to Haley’s rescue. – We can disagree on many issues, but she is a smart, intellectual woman, said Christie, who defended Haley several times. The two are the furthest left of the five remaining Republican presidential candidates, and they were fighting for many of the same voters. Christie said after the debate that he hopes Haley does not become president, but that he thinks it is right that he is defending her. Trump as Voldemort Christie was also, as in previous debates, the only one who really dared to attack Donald Trump. He says he is participating in the nomination race because it is his job to do just that. The former governor of New Jersey called Trump a dictator and a bully and said his rivals are terrified of him. – The fifth guy, who doesn’t dare to show up, is far ahead of the four of us in the measurements. The other three here are sort of competing with Voldemort. The one they dare not mention by name, said Christie. Voldemort is the evil one in the Harry Potter books. Ron DeSantis only dared to describe Trump as too old when asked to distance himself from him. – There is no job for those over 80. We need someone younger, said DeSantis. And Nikki Haley also avoided criticizing Trump in too harsh terms. Probably in fear of scaring away the many voters who like him. She has criticized Trump more clearly in previous debates. Dictator-Donald Donald Trump has completely withdrawn from the debates which are usually a central part of the democratic process of choosing presidential candidates in the United States. Chris Christie says Donald Trump’s behavior is unacceptable. Trump’s former allies claim the former president cares about nothing but himself. Photo: Reuters Instead, he appears in his own TV interviews, such as on Monday with Sean Hannity on Fox News. These four took part in the fourth debate Nikki Haley (51): Former UN ambassador under Trump and Governor of South Carolina Ron DeSantis ( 45): Florida governor and presumed number two after Trump. Vivek Ramaswamy (38): Founder and political newcomer. Chris Christie (61): Former governor of New Jersey and for a short period in 2016 head of Trump’s transition team. To qualify for this fourth round, candidates must have a six percent approval rating in two national polls approved by the Republican Party (RNC). In addition, the candidates must have received monetary gifts from 80,000 different people, and there must be at least 200 donors in at least 20 different states. Source: AP, Axios There, Trump said he would not abuse power, or be a dictator if he becomes president again, “except on Day 1 in the White House.” A 900-page plan called Project 2025 is getting a lot of attention in the US media now. It has been prepared by right-wing think tanks, with The Heritage Foundation at the forefront. It details how a possible new Trump administration could remove bureaucrats and replace them with loyal supporters. The document also contains proposals for presidential orders that, for example, deploy the military against the United States’ own citizens, for example to stop demonstrations. Biden warns President Joe Biden’s election campaign has seized on Trump’s dictator statement and said voters should believe what Trump says. President Biden said during a fundraiser in Boston this week that he might not have run in 2024 had it not been for Trump. US President Joe Biden told donors that he is not sure if he would have sought re-election if it were not for the fact that his likely opponent is Donald Trump. Later in the evening, he made it clear that he would stand for re-election anyway. Photo: AP Biden accuses Trump of wanting to crush democracy. Trump has said that he will use the Department of Justice to investigate Biden as a response to the legal proceedings he himself is involved in. However, Biden is weakened, and has lower support after the war in Israel started. Several opinion polls in the last month show that Trump would have won over Biden if there were an election today. They also show that Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis are in a better position than Biden. Wings in the Republican Party are trying to build an alternative to Donald Trump. The fourth televised debate was held at the University of Tuscaloosa. Photo: AFP Sideshow The four Republican contenders together have less support than Trump, according to the average of surveys by RealClearPolitics. Ron DeSantis says 2024 is the year Republicans have the opportunity to elect a candidate who can serve two terms as president. He is still in second place in several states, but has not been able to make the breakthrough against Trump that many had predicted. Ron DeSantis is tired of measurements and thinks the numbers are wrong time and time again. He highlights the by-elections in 2022 when a red election wave was expected, which never came. Photo: Reuters Haley receives support Nikki Haley has received wind in her sails. Powerful donors, such as the Koch brothers, have lined up behind her. Their conservative political network, Americans for Prosperity, promises to mobilize and pay for ads so that she beats Donald Trump in the primaries. But in Congress she has so far little support, while Trump has close to 100 who have supported his candidacy. Trump does not want any more debates Former President Donald Trump has stayed away from all the Republican presidential debates. He has expressed that it is a waste of time. While the rivals were on the debate stage in the southern city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Trump attended a fundraiser in Florida. Trump believes the Republican National Committee (RNC), which raises money and coordinates election campaigns, should delete the finish line for the debates. Donald Trump signs magazines and headgear during campaign rallies. This photo was taken on November 18 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. Photo: AFP The RNC should rather concentrate on beating President Joe Biden, says Trump. Wednesday’s debate is the last scheduled presidential debate before Iowa voters begin the nominating contest on January 15. Haley and DeSantis will probably have to combine their support to be able to approach Trump. Some have suggested that the field of candidates may be further narrowed before the elections start.
