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– If you look at the composition of the team, it is easy to see that we are missing a top three position. We may miss the battle for victory too, we are not there yet, says Fredrik Aukland after the 10 kilometer freestyle for women in Gällivare. The four best Norwegians finished sixth, eighth, tenth and eleventh. Both the athletes themselves and the national team coach are satisfied with the team effort. The experts are not as impressed. Thinks the Norwegian effort is too bad Lotta Udnes Weng was the best Norwegian in a shared sixth place. She was 52 seconds behind the winner. – I think it’s good. There are many who go fast and many who seem to be in good shape, says Heidi Weng about the team effort. – I’m not too worried about the team effort. A good job has been done, and there are many good ones. It’s not like you win every race. I’m not too worried that we’re going to play hard this season, says Astrid Øyre Slind. The experts do not necessarily agree on that. – I am surprised that they say that they are satisfied when they are not fighting for top 3 positions. It must be allowed to say “we are not satisfied”, says Aukland. – If you add up the results from the opening weekend in Ruka, apart from the podium at Stavås Skistad, you can’t say you’re satisfied with it, says Aukland. Aukland gets support from Viaplay expert Marit Bjørgen. – It is disappointing from Heidi Weng and Astrid Øyre Slind. I expected more from them. It’s a bit far up. I thought they would be closer to the top. There is a much greater distance now than last weekend, says Bjørgen to Viaplay. The experts do give Lotta Udnes Weng praise for her sixth place. For the second time in a row, she became the best Norwegian in the distance race. – For my own part, I did not expect it. Then I know that Heidi and Anne Kjersti have more to do. I haven’t trained as much with Astrid this autumn, but I expect to see them on the podium during the winter, says Udnes Weng. – Tactical genius The Norwegians finished far behind the winner, superior Jessica Diggins. The American won by 23 seconds to Ebba Andersson in second place. Best Norwegian, Lotta Udnes Weng, was 52 seconds behind the American. Thus, Diggins got a very solid revenge from last weekend. Diggins finished second during the opening weekend in Ruka, but it was not without drama. When she crossed the finish line, she was bleeding profusely from the mouth. Icy and bloody, she lay in the goal area before being supported out of the arena. – Then she was supported out of the goal area and back to the ceremony. Then she got a stick on her beak, she bled when she crossed the finish line. Now she has hit back strongly, commented Stoltenberg. See the situation from last weekend here (the story continues below the video): “Jessie” Diggins opened partially controlled, but as the race developed, she increased and increased the distance down to the competition. On the way up to the 6.3 kilometer pass, the American walked fast, but when she approached the top of the hill she increased her speed and almost sprinted up to the top. – Tactical genius: go downhill fast, but sprint over the top of the hill and get as much speed as possible in these fast, short descents, boasted Stoltenberg. – She goes very quickly over the top of the hill. Uses enormous amounts of power over the top of the hill. This is what Jessie Diggins is so good at. She takes the downhills like no one else, added expert Fredrik Aukland. Blasting cold Today, like last weekend when it was the season opener in Ruka, it was reported to be freezing cold for the athletes. According to yr.no, minus 16 degrees was reported at its warmest during Saturday. The International Ski Federation’s regulations state that the cold limit is minus 20. The cold also became a topic last weekend, when Swedish Calle Halfvarsson froze his penis in Ruka. Now the Swede and several others want the rules changed. – I actually think that you can put 15 minus. Now we have minus 20, most often when it goes down to minus 21-22, they use it anyway to run competitions. They tend to stretch those boundaries a bit, Halfvarsson told news before the weekend.
