DNV’s investigation of the incident at Braskereidfoss – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

After the dam at Braskereidsfoss burst during the extreme storm “Hans”, Hafslund Eco commissioned an investigation into the incident. The conclusion is now clear: Hafslund Eco did not have good enough routines and systems to handle such an extraordinary situation as “Hans” caused. Surveillance images from the day itself show how high the water rose. Photo: The report on Braskereidfoss Hafslund Eco was not sufficiently aware of the dangers of rising water levels. There were several alarms during the night that warned of this, but the operators at the operations center did not become aware of this. The power plant itself is unmanned. – We take this very seriously and have taken measures, says managing director Kristin Lian in a press release. The power plant is unmanned and controlled from the operations center in Lillehammer. There, several alarms were received about rising water levels during the night, but the operators were not aware of it, says a report from DNV. The measures Among the measures that have all been implemented are: Additional staffing of the operations center in emergency situations Adjusted limit for water flow level for staffing the power plant Expanded monitoring function in the event of a major flood Improved overview of facilities that are particularly exposed in the event of a major flood Because others can also learn from the incident, Hafslund Eco publishes the report, says the press release. “The direct reason why the floodgates at Braskereidfoss were not opened when the water level rose is a lack of attention to the danger of a rising level of stormwater. Braskereidfoss power plant is unmanned, and is normally monitored and controlled from the operations center in Lillehammer. There were several alarms during the night that warned that the water level was rising, but the operators at the operations center did not pay attention to these alarms,” ​​the report says. – We made mistakes which led to the floodgates not being opened. The report points to several reasons why this could happen. We were not sufficiently prepared for such a demanding situation and our contingency plans made us too dependent on the operations center functioning optimally, even under extreme load, says Lian. Hafslund was not aware enough of the dangers of rising water levels before the dam failure at Braskereidfoss during extreme weather Hans, a report shows. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news
