Tuva Fellmann has been diagnosed with breast cancer – news Culture and entertainment

– In our little house, things have been up and down lately, write the married couple and media profiles Tuva Fellmann and Ronny Brede Aase in a post on Instagram. – Up, because I am eagerly waiting for our second child. Down, because Tuva was diagnosed with breast cancer during her pregnancy and is undergoing treatment. VG reported the case first. In August, the newspaper wrote that Fellman was diagnosed with pre-stage breast cancer in May. As a result, she had to remove one breast. A lot at once In the post, the married couple write that there is a lot happening at once. – But fortunately we have each other, wonderful people around us and an absolutely fantastic healthcare system. The couple posted the post on Instagram on Wednesday evening. Photo: Screenshot / Instagram Furthermore, they add that it is both difficult, strange and liberating to share the information. – Life in the future will be a surreal mixture of everyday life, life as a toddler and treatment. And I must, one way or another, achieve that, they write in conclusion. Fellman is, among other things, known as the host of the TV series Naked Attraction and Love IRL on TVNorge, and has previously worked at news P3. Ronny Brede Aase has previously been our program manager in P3morgen on news P3 and in the news series “Eit feitt liv”. Facts about breast cancer Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. In 2022, 4,224 women will get breast cancer. Each year, the disease affects between 20 and 30 men. 9 out of 10 women who are affected by breast cancer survive for five years or more. In Norway today, there are close to 57,000 people who have recovered from or are living with breast cancer. Of these, around 6 percent live with a spread. Source: The Cancer Registry
