Want to demolish mosques: – Extremely unfortunate for the NATO process

During the Sweden Democrats’ (SD) national meeting in Västerås at the weekend, party leader Jimmie Åkesson made statements to which many reacted strongly. Åkesson said that the construction of new mosques should be stopped in Sweden. He also wants to demolish mosques that are “hotbeds for the spread of conspiracies”, as he described it. – The statements are unfortunate for Sweden’s further NATO process. This is what Turkey expert and former Swedish ambassador to Turkey, Michael Sahlin, tells SVT. CRITICAL: Michael Sahlin, former ambassador to Turkey, believes the statement is very unfortunate for the further NATO process in Sweden. Photo: NTB Believes Sweden is anti-Muslim Turkey has held back on final approval of Swedish NATO membership. The reasons for this have been many, and at times a bit unclear. But the overall message is that Sweden is considered anti-Muslim by Turkey. The background for that is a series of events. Turkey believes the Swedish authorities allow Koran burnings. There are also disinformation campaigns in Turkey about READY FOR DEMOLITION: The Sweden Democrats’ Jimmie Åkesson wants to demolish mosques in Sweden. Photo: NTB that the Swedish child protection agency kidnaps children from Muslim families. Without a decision and for no reason at all. The Sweden Democrats are a support party for the current Swedish government. The fact that they make statements that deal with the demolition of mosques and the ban on setting up new ones has received a lot of attention in Turkey. Recently, a final clarification regarding Sweden’s NATO membership, in the Turkish parliament, has been postponed several times. The postponements cannot be linked to Åkesson’s statements. PROTESTERS: In a number of Muslim countries this summer there were large protests against Sweden after Koran burnings were carried out on Swedish soil. Photo: Reuters Massive criticism – In this context, it is extremely unfortunate that a party leader for one of Sweden’s largest parties is talking about demolishing mosques. It comes as another difficult case in an already sensitive situation, says Sahlin to SVT. Åkesson’s statement has been criticized by most other political parties in Sweden. According to sources Swedish Aftonbladet has spoken to, the statement must have caused great frustration in the governing party Moderaterna (M). The statement had not been clarified with the government. The whole thing has been described as both disrespectful and polarizing. Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) is on Monday at a meeting in the Finnish capital Helsinki. He and Finland’s Prime Minister, Petteri Orpo, have had meetings here. They have discussed Finland’s experiences after almost eight months as a NATO member. – In Sweden, we do not demolish buildings of worship, says Kristersson in a statement. DANGEROUS TIME: Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) does not seem to be jumping for joy at the statement from the leader of the government’s support party. Photo: SVT The Swedish Prime Minister is married to the priest Birgitta Ed. – It gives a wrong picture of what Sweden stands for internationally. This forces the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to correct the image of what Sweden is. I think you should stop. So consider that it is a dangerous time we live in, says Kristersson. Stoltenberg: – Sweden has delivered – That Kristersson goes out and distances himself is a necessary minimum. Of course he has to do it. Even if it becomes difficult for the government and the cooperation with the Sweden Democrats. But it is not certain that it will help. The damage has already been done, judges Michael Sahlin. CAUTION: Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, prefers not to interfere in domestic politics, he says. Photo: AFP NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg was asked about the statement from Jimmie Åkesson at a press conference today. Nato gathers the foreign ministers of the alliance on Tuesday and Wednesday. Stoltenberg avoided answering directly whether the statement could have negative consequences. But he repeated what he has said countless times before. – What is important for Sweden’s membership is the fact that Sweden has delivered on the points of agreement that were entered into, he said – Sweden promised in Madrid and later in Vilnius to intensify work against terrorism and improve cooperation with Turkey. Now it is Turkey’s turn to complete the ratification. It is good that President Erdogan has started that process, Stoltenberg pointed out. HAPPY(RE)DAYS: From the NATO summit in Vilnius in July, where Turkey and Sweden agreed on yet another agreement. But the ratification in the Turkish parliament can wait. Photo: Nato He also emphasized that freedom of religion; through freedom of expression, is one of NATO’s core values. Something that must be defended in the alliance. It is not only Turkey, but also Hungary, which has not yet formally approved Sweden’s NATO application.
