Taxi with customer shot in Egersund – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The police plan to question the man on Sunday. The man, who is in his 40s, was arrested just before midnight and taken into custody. – We are preparing more interviews that we plan to carry out during the day, and then we will start with further technical investigations, says Cecilie Steen, duty officer in the Sør-West police district to news on Sunday morning. The police will also question the taxi driver and the customer who was in the car when it was shot at. And any witnesses. – Were there witnesses to the incident? – The police cannot share more information at this time. We work broadly with the hypotheses and have no further details, says Steen. The taxi that was fired upon in Egersund. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog Negotiations by telephone The police received a report about the shooting at 9.35pm on Saturday evening. A taxi had then been shot at when it arrived at an address in Egersund. Several police officers moved out. Shortly afterwards, a negotiator from the police made contact with what was probably the perpetrator by telephone. While the situation was unclear, the police asked people near Øvre Prestegårds vei in Egersund to stay indoors and lock doors. In an update at 10.44pm, the police wrote on X that they had isolated the house, and that there were many indications that the perpetrator was at the address. The police negotiator then continued the dialogue with the man by telephone. Was met by a man with a two-handed weapon – When this taxi arrived at the address it was going to, it was met by a person who came out of a residence and fired, as we understand it, a shot at this taxi. A window in the taxi was smashed, but no one is said to have been injured, says Fenne-Jensen in the Sør-West police district to news. To VG, Fenne-Jensen says that the man must have used a two-handed weapon. Police on site in Egersund on Saturday evening. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog The person must have re-entered the home. The police do not yet know if there are others in the home. And they will not comment on whether the police have been to the address before. No injuries The taxi driver quickly drove to safety after the incident. And the customer who was in the car probably got to safety on foot. There are no reports of any injuries.
