Police, insurance companies and alarm companies fear burglary wave this summer due to more travel – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The pandemic has led to significantly fewer burglaries, according to statistics from the police. But now we’re out on a journey again and the criminals on their way into your house. – We have a great fear that there will be a wave now. The reason is that there has been an unusually large decline in the last two years, says safety expert Dagfinn Thorkildsen at Verisure. This summer, it is therefore extra important to secure the home well before leaving, he believes. – Do a good preparation, so you do not have to risk and get home to a stolen and end-of-life home, says Thorkildsen “SCREAM”: The burglary statistics from the Police STRASAK report from 2021 break down from the beginning of the 2000s. Now the future is more uncertain. Photo: Statistics Norway Police urge: Deterrence break The official Strasak figures from the Police show that the number of reports of theft and aggravated theft from housing in total decreased by almost 25 percent from 2019 to 2021. For cottages and holiday homes, the decline was over 50 percent. But now the trend can reverse. To avoid visits by unauthorized persons, the police have clear advice. Good cooperation with neighbors is crucial to avoid burglary. Mathis Briskerud, section leader for the Police in Solør explains how one can help each other. – Make agreements with the neighbor and follow each other. Take the mail and see if there is anything suspicious, says Briskerud. TAKEN BY THE WIND: The police have experienced that much disappears across the border into Sweden and down Eastern Europe. For many, the worst thing about a burglary is that they are unsure whether they can feel safe in their own home, says Briskerud. Photo: Ann-Kristin Mo / news The alarm companies also have their recommendations for how to protect against burglary and vandalism. The goal is to make it look like there are people at home. One does not have to do it as extreme as Kevin McCallister does in the Home Alone films, the expert has effective and simple grips. – Do not let the home be completely ironed. For example, let there be some clutter in the sofa and have some coffee cups standing on the bench. If you can set the time, then feel free to leave it on for periods. Tips from the security expert Lock doors, close windows and set alarms. To the house, the garage and any stalls. Use light. For example, control a lamp with a smart connector that you can remotely control to go on at certain times. Outdoor lamps with motion sensors can also deter. Agree with neighbor or others. Get someone to drop by your property, throw rubbish at you and water flowers. Pay attention to whether anyone marks your home. Look for tape or coins. If they are not removed, thieves can assume that the coast is ready. Make it look like you are at home and do not leave valuables visible. 24-hour home alarm. So that someone always takes care of your home against burglary, fire and water leakage. Have forgotten how we protect ourselves Although air strikes, passport problems and other obstacles have done their best to stop Norwegians’ travel activities in recent years, we are tired of not being allowed to travel as we want. Travel activity has skyrocketed and Thorkildsen emphasizes the consequences. – We have had long periods with a home office or cabin office, and a home with people inside is not so interesting for burglars to try. Security experts fear that we have forgotten what we did before to avoid burglary and are not prepared for the return of the money launderers. THIEF TRICK: Get your neighbor to check for tape on the door or coins on the stairs, this can be a trick used by burglars to see if you are at home encourages security expert Dagfinn Thorkildsen Photo: Verisure – We have become accustomed to staying around our homes and not so used to traveling away. We fear that people will make it very visible that they have left, Thorkildsen emphasizes. The borders into Norway are open and criminals from other countries can again slip in and out of the country. – Travel restrictions and increased control at the borders have contributed to profiteering criminals from other countries not entering Norway. The opening means that we fear a burglary wave, says the security expert. The police have noticed a burglary wave The thieves are looking for goods that they can easily sell and make good money on. Exactly what it is changes based on demand, says the section leader. – In recent years, we have seen that gold and jewelry are in the wind. The same applies to electronics such as telephones, tablets and the like. And not least professional carpentry tools the thieves want to get hold of, says section leader Briskerud in the Police. He says they have noticed some more thefts from garages, outbuildings and agricultural machinery lately. He cites an example from Åsnes. – There was someone who had a tractor, mower, clearing saw and a little more stolen from his farm this spring. Swedish police found this again in a car in Sweden and so offended actually got things back, says the section leader. ACTION: Collaborate with others to make it feel like you are at home. For example, get someone to empty your mailbox. Photo: Maria Elsness
