Bård Hoksrud demands that the Health Platform be scrapped after a new report from the National Audit Office – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

Are the problems with the IT system Helseplattformen so great that it is time to scrap it? That was the question in today’s Political Quarter on P2. On Tuesday came the report from the National Audit Office, which criticizes the Health Platform. – None of the health regions have succeeded well enough in digitizing their curve systems, but the Health Platform clearly performs the worst. It can have consequences for patient safety and is burdensome for the employees. This is reprehensible, said Auditor General Karl Eirik Schjøtt-Pedersen. Bård Hoksrud, health policy spokesman for the FRP, is clear in his speech the day after the report became known. – What is happening is a total scandal, he says in Politisk kvarter. – I believe that we must consider getting rid of the entire system – we cannot in any case continue to roll out as planned. I don’t understand that the government and the minister just continue to let them go on. The billions just flow out. Not an alternative When asked whether it has been considered to discontinue the Health Platform, State Secretary Ellen Rønning Arnesen replies that they see no other alternative. – It will cost billions of kroner, and will take time. We have no guarantee that another system will take care in better ways. It is important to keep the direction now. – To say that one must stay the course.. One report after another warns about patient safety. You just say keep driving, Hoksrud replies. The health platform was introduced at St. Olav in November 2022. Photo: Morten Waagø / news On Tuesday, Ingvild Kjerkol replied that the findings in the report are in line with the well-known challenges. – Scrapping the Health Platform will cost several billion and increase the risk that we do not have good enough solutions for patients. I don’t have money or time, she writes to news. – It costs billions to continue with this system. The most important thing is about patient safety and the working conditions of the doctors and those who work in the healthcare organization at the hospital. We can’t just continue when we see one report after another in this, says Hoksrud on Wednesday morning. Rejects recovery Monica Engstrøm is a shop steward for the senior doctors at the surgical clinic at St. Olav’s hospital. In Politisk kvarter, she describes that the journal system is the most important tool they have. Senior doctor Monica Engstrøm at the surgical department at St. Olav’s hospital. Photo: Morten Andersen / news – In practical terms, the problem in everyday working life is that it is cumbersome to work in the system, and that all work tasks take longer. – There is poor user-friendliness. You get lost in all the information there and risk missing important information. Engstrøm has no doubt that this affects patient safety. – Patient safety is at stake. Injuries and deaths have occurred. We have an expensive and poor system and tired employees. The health platform could not participate in the debate, but writes the following to Politisk kvarter: “Unfortunately, we have had a number of errors after introduction, which is deeply regrettable. But most of it has now been corrected. We have also initiated thorough work with the players to ensure that the system becomes more user-friendly. The goal is for this to make the system both safer and easier to use. At the same time, it is expected that certain tasks will take longer when data is to be recorded in a structured journal.’ Engstrøm denies that those who work in the system see improvements. – That is not true, we have not seen those improvements. We have been working on this for a year, and the situation is the same for those of us who work in the system, she says.
