Raymond Johansen at work for Norwegian People’s Aid

Raymond Johansen is participating today, Tuesday, in LO’s cartel conference at Gol, by virtue of his new job as secretary general of Norwegian People’s Aid. The fact that he is there because of his new job, LO itself writes on the trade union’s website. This is despite the fact that he will not officially start his new job for three months, and will still be paid a salary by Oslo municipality. Unpaid assignment There has been a storm around Raymond Johansen, after news wrote yesterday that he will be paid NOK 400,000 for three months in back pay. At his own request, he wanted to take a break before starting his new job. According to LO, they do not pay Raymond Johansen for his participation. – It is routine for the secretary-general to appear at this conference. Since there is no one now, Raymond Johansen then became the incoming general secretary, says communications officer in LO state, Stein Erik Syrstad. Will make a new assessment When asked by Oslo municipality why Raymond can take on assignments by virtue of his new job before he has officially started, they reply as follows: “According to the Municipal Act § 8-6 second paragraph, the additional compensation must be reduced kroner for kroner against other income . Furthermore, it states that the same applies to ordinary income that the elected representative voluntarily forgoes. A specific assessment must be made in each individual case. At the time when the city council considered Johansen’s application, he did not have a concrete position to go to. In other words, he was entitled to full compensation. Subsequently, Johansen was given a new position which he was to take up on 25 January 2024. On 11 November we received a message that the date could be adjusted. We have also received information from Johansen today about two cases of unpaid individual assignments and courses in connection with the job he will be taking up. In the light of this information, we will make an assessment as to whether the supplementary payment should be shortened. The city council leader’s office will return with information when the case has been processed.”
