– Was provoked – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The series about Jan Egil Granfoss, a disabled man in his 60s, who moved to the Philippines ten years ago, but now wants to return home, has received a lot of attention. On Sunday afternoon, news reports that the series will be removed temporarily. Granfoss has a moral judgment against him from 1991. This did not include the series creators in the series. Six children were involved in the morality case. news has now spoken to some of the victims in the case against Granfoss. Hoped to see someone who repented – I learned that this was going to be about Granfoss who was unlucky and stuck in the Philippines and didn’t get the help he needed, says one of the victims to news. Ahead of publication, the series creators informed the aggrieved parties about the series and that the judgment against Granfoss would not be mentioned there. – I thought that surely means that they should only talk about the current picture, only what has happened recently. Don’t drag in a judgment that happened 30 years ago. The woman reacts to the fact that what she believes was presented as the whole story of Granfoss, does not deal with the punishable things he did to her. The woman reacts to what she believes was presented as the entire history of Granfoss. Photo: Thomas Ystrøm / news – What I had hoped to see in the documentary was a man who shared a tragic past. One who talked about what he had done to others and deeply regretted it. And that he was a changed person, that he had great respect for children and boundaries. I didn’t get to see that. Instead, she believes that she saw a man who was portrayed as a victim. – A poor person, who is a victim of everyone and everything. Another of those aggrieved from the immorality verdict tells news that he was told that the series should not be about the verdict, but about Granfoss’ own problems. – After seeing the series and how Granfoss is portrayed as a victim, I was provoked and thought it was wrong that the whole truth was not revealed in the series, says the man. Chose not to include the judgment Director of the District Division in news, Marius Lillelien, confirms that they were aware of the judgment against Granfoss before publication. – news chose not to include the morality judgment in the series for two reasons. Most important was consideration for the aggrieved; primarily those who were small children at the time, but also consideration for Granfoss himself and his family. The second was that the verdict had no direct relevance to the series, which is about a Norwegian family stranded in the Philippines without being able to get home to Norway,” says director of the District Division Marius Lillelien. ANSWER FOR news: Director of the District Division Marius Lillelien Photo: Ole Kaland / news On Sunday, Lillelien says that it was a wrong assessment not to include the sentence against Granfoss in the series. – We have made a wrong assessment. This information should have been included from day one in the series, We have had a close dialogue with the aggrieved after this information about this judgment became known to us, But we made a misjudgment, and therefore we have stopped the series temporarily to be able to enter that information in a good way Lawyer Leif Strøm says that Granfoss himself wanted the verdict to come to light in the series. Should be history A third of the aggrieved think it is fine that the series was broadcast without mentioning the verdict. – I don’t think it’s so good that the verdict is brought forward now. Of course, the episodes he did are terrible. But if nothing more has happened in 30 years, it’s fantastically great. Then it should be history. If you have served a sentence, you have served a sentence. He thinks the series about Granfoss is perfectly fine. I understood a little better who Jan was, says the man. – Just get him home and let him live his life in the days he has left. The 1st episode was broadcast on NRK1 on Wednesday, and all episodes have been available on news TV online. After 2pm on Sunday, the series is temporarily unavailable on the news TV streaming service. It is unknown when the series will be available again. “The documentary series “Ingen elsker Bamsegut” is made by the program department of news Trøndelag. The news division works journalistically independently with the news coverage of the case”.
