The Dahalan family in Nærbø celebrates that a Norwegian family got out of Gaza – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

At Nærbø, brother Jibril, his wife Najat and parents Salwa and Samir have followed the news closely after the war broke out in Gaza a month ago. It has been difficult to have contact with Mohammad and his family after the war started. – We have called and called and maybe got a connection for 10 or 20 seconds. We understood that they had a difficult time during the short phone calls, says Jibril Dahalan. Mohammad Dahalan was in Gaza on holiday with his family so that the children could meet and get to know their grandparents. The holiday trip ended with them being locked up in Gaza. To avoid being hit by the bombs, the family had to move from house to house. There was little food and drink. – I was on holiday here in Palestine, and suddenly the war started. There was shooting and rockets everywhere. Adults, children and the elderly have been killed, Mohammad Dahalan told news earlier today. Jumped out of bed Today the first Norwegian citizens were allowed to leave Gaza. 51 people, including 27 children, made it across the border into Egypt. – I received a message this morning. Then it was just a matter of getting out of bed, putting on the clothes and running over to the family here at Nærbø to share the joy, says Jibril Dahalan. – There was great joy in the whole house that the family was on the list to get over to Egypt. news met Mohammad Dahalan and his family on the border with Egypt when they escaped from Gaza. Photo: Ahmed Abu Kmail When news is visiting, a message comes from Mohammad to Jibril that they are on the bus to Cairo. They have been given both food and drink. – He greets everyone, and writes that they are now safe. news met Mohammad and his family on the border with Cairo earlier today. – Norway contacted us yesterday. We were very happy that we get help to get out. Many thanks to Norway, says Dahalan. His daughter, Aya Dahalan, is marked by what she has experienced inside Gaza. Daughter Aya Dahalan. Photo: Ahmed Abu Kmail – It was scary because there were rockets and shooting everywhere. There were many children and old people killed, she says to news. More people will be allowed to travel on Thursday On Wednesday evening, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) and Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) met the press to update them on the situation for the Norwegian citizens in Gaza. They confirmed that all 51 who had been notified to leave on Tuesday evening made it to the border and over to the Egyptian side. – We have received a signal that more people can be cleared for departure tomorrow, said Støre. Barth Eide said it would probably then be about the same number as today. The war has left its mark on the family at Nærbø, who have lost almost 40 relatives in Gaza. But soon son and brother Mohammad and his family are back at Nærbø. Then there will be a celebration. – We have started to think about that. They need a good and proper welcome, says Jibril Dahalan. – Have they been lucky enough to get out alive? – Yes, they have had that. We have had contact with others in Norway, and what we have received is the woman from Norway who was killed. I have followed all the news. Now we can relax a little more.
