– I would prefer to be apart – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I would prefer to be apart from Father’s Day. The children remember it, but the day is not that important, I think, says Magne Borgund. – Now it’s almost Christmas too, and that lasts long enough for me. Sunday 12 November, or the second Sunday in November, is once again time to give dad some extra attention. But this day hangs in the balance, Borgund believes. – I think it will die out with today’s youth. Isabella Olivia has shared opinions about the day. – It’s good because it’s nice to have a dad, but at the same time my relationship with the day is also a bit bad because I don’t have such good contact with him. But it’s not a sad day for me. I have my mother’s boyfriend, whom I look up to as a father. It is nice. Ane Hanum Resdorff and Isabella Olivia don’t think Father’s Day will disappear anytime soon. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news For her part, she believes that Father’s Day will not die out. – I think Father’s Day has a future. It’s a nice reminder that it’s nice to have a dad. Father of small children Sindre Berg Johannesen says he does not have a long relationship with the day, but that he is looking forward to seeing what his two-year-old daughter has made. Sindre Berg Johannesen has no problem being honored on Father’s Day. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news – The day has been celebrated for many years, and I don’t see the problem with continuing with it. Those who don’t want to celebrate it don’t need to, he says. What do you mean? We should abolish Father’s Day We should keep Father’s Day Show result Frode Grøtteland thinks every Sunday can be a good day for both father and mother, and thinks Father’s Day will fade away. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news Can be painful for many Line Madsen in the Family Protection Office in Sør-Rogaland says that several children may experience the day as somewhat painful. – For many, Father’s Day and other anniversaries are cozy and create unity. But for others it is a day characterized by stress and it is something you dread, she says. At the same time, she points out that the traditional notion of the family constellation, consisting of mother, father and child, often does not apply to as many as before. – There are quite a few children who do not live with both parents. We have children with father and father, mother and mother, some have parents who are dead, and some have lost contact with one of their parents. – Show enthusiasm for each other Madsen points out that children are often put in a bind when conflicts arise between parents who are no longer together. – Anniversaries like this can be a reminder for parents that this was something they didn’t get to do, some feel, for example, grief, guilt, anger, loss, she says and adds: Line Madsen says it can be demanding for parents to support children in contact with the other parent, especially when the level of conflict is high, but that it is helpful for the children. Photo: Mari Friestad / news – It is important not to transfer these feelings onto the children. One must let the children show enthusiasm for the other parent, especially during such anniversaries. As a parent, you must be able to put your own needs aside and instead focus on what the children’s needs are. She is unsure whether it is best to end the day. – Should we take it away because it hurts someone? Or should we use the opportunity to create new traditions and create a kind of reconciliation and acceptance for our own grief, and still make the day pleasant for the children.
