Did not mention the competency case in the speech – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Between blue and white balloons and posters with the slogan “Opportunities for all” and “Team Høyre” in capital letters, Erna Solberg spoke today for 107 new Lord Mayors, in addition to a number of new city councilors and county mayors from the party. Despite the fact that the people’s election conference was the first major meeting Solberg has had with the grassroots in the party since the extent of her husband’s share trading was made known four days after the local election, the competence case, which Solberg explained about in control and the constitutional committee earlier this week, was not mentioned during the speech. Erna Solberg gave a speech. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news Because after being met with a standing ovation from city council leaders, mayors, deputy mayors and group leaders from all over the country, it was how they could conduct the best possible right-wing politics and fulfill the promise to the voters that was the focus of Solberg’s speech Siv Jensen: – It looks a bit difficult Two hours before Solberg took the podium, E24 published an interview with her former finance minister Siv Jensen (FRP). Jensen underlines that everything is possible, but “I think it looks a bit difficult” and “hints that there might be some changes” when asked about having a party leadership role when faced with such a case and whether Solberg can become prime minister again. – It is clear that it is more difficult than it would be without this case, but at the same time Høgre gets good opinion polls and I feel that there is a good atmosphere in the party, so that is also very positive, says Solberg about Jensen’s performance. After a march from the conference hall through the hotel to a photo session with the conference participants, we finally got her talking about the “elephant in the room”. Politics and not the issue of competence was the focus during the Norwegian People’s Choice Conference in Jessheim today. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news – The whole room here is wondering if you should continue. Why didn’t you mention that in the speech? – Because I have talked about politics and what power should be used for. Then we will have a central board meeting (on Sunday, jou.anm) where these questions will be discussed further. In any case, I feel that there are a lot of people who want me to continue, says Solberg. – When will there be an answer if you persist? – I will have this discussion together with the party. We must mature together to find out what will be right going forward. According to Solberg, the committee’s conclusion is not the most important thing for whether she continues as leader. – Actually, it is not so much the control committee’s treatment, as the dialogue between me and the party that will be most important, says Solberg when we ask her if she has a time frame for when she should clarify her own future in the party Taking a group photo with 107 mayors plus a number of city council leaders and county mayors demanded organisation. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news Three out of one hundred and seventy comment: – Inspired In addition to 107 Stratos chocolates, Høgre’s election winners were served a summary of what the party leader thinks is needed to get the best possible right-wing policy through in the municipalities, cities and counties they are to rule in the future. But what do the people behind the long tables in the conference hall think of Solberg’s position as leader? We got hold of a mayor and two city council leaders before the convenor called them in again for the closed part of the meeting. According to the random sample, i.e. Tønsberg’s Frank Pedersen, Bergen’s Christine Meyer and Oslo’s own Eirik Lae Solberg, all elected representatives found Solberg’s speech “inspiring”. – The speech was proof that Erna is our leader. She has confidence in the party. And then it is clear that there has just been a hearing in the control and constitutional committee where I am excited about the conclusion. I believe that one must get a clarification quite quickly after that conclusion. I am convinced that Erna will let the party lead itself, says Pedersen. He has previously said that he will decide whether Solberg should continue as party leader and candidate for prime minister after the control committee comes up with its conclusion in January. – It also has to do with which cooperation party we will have in a possible government position. It therefore depended a little on what the other parties say and what conclusion the committee reaches. As she herself has said, it depends on whether she will be a minus or a plus. As of now, I think she is a plus. – But she can be a minus? – It can be a minus depending on what the committee’s conclusion is. And then we’ll have to wait and see. But from the atmosphere here at this conference so far, I feel that she is a plus. Mayor of Tønsberg, Frank Pedersen. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news City council leader in Bergen, Christine Meyer believes Solberg should continue as leader. – She has to. She is a wonderful person to have at the top. I was with her a lot in the election campaign. People flock around her. The influence she has on people in Bergen and in the rest of the country is fantastic. – So she should continue independently of the control committee’s process? – I think she is a big plus for Høgre and I hope for all intents and purposes that she has the strength to keep going, says Meyer. City council leader in Bergen, Christine Meyer. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news On the way out of the conference room, we met the head of the Oslo city council, Eirik Lae Solberg, on the way in. The speech reminded him that those who have managed the municipalities have a great responsibility towards the voters to deliver on what they have voted for. – It was a great inspiration. I noted many good points. – Should Solberg have said anything about his own position? – Today it was absolutely right to talk about what is important to us sitting here. Mayors, county mayors and city council leaders. It was the right message for this assembly. – Should she stay seated? – I hope so. I have full confidence in Erna. She is a very capable leader for Høgre. – Regardless of treatment in the Storting and in the control committee? – I don’t get involved in what happens in the Storting, I am a local politician in Oslo, but I have full confidence in Erna and hope she continues, says Lae Solberg. City council leader in Oslo, Eirik Lae Solberg. Photo: Hans Ivar Moss Kolseth / news
