More girls in male-dominated professions and career paths – news Vestland

– I think it gives the girls more security, when they see that other girls are taking these courses, says Kristin Larsen Svånå The young apprentice has noticed the increase in girls in just a few years, and believes that it has a contagion effect on others because there are more girls optometrist in the profession. The 18-year-old himself is a first-year apprentice as a carpenter at the company Vestfjord Bygg in Florø. She decided to apply for a vocational subject in the 10th grade, after having been in hospital at a secondary school. She has only received positive messages about the choice she has made. – Many have said that I am brave for choosing this direction, and I get many compliments on my choice of profession. Kristin Larsen Svånå receives many compliments on her choice of profession. Photo: Ingrid Byggland / news Biggest increase in construction engineering According to Statistics Norway, there is the largest influx of female apprentices within construction engineering. The number of female apprentices within this has increased by a whopping 151 per cent in the last five years, from 388 apprentices in 2018, to 972 in 2022. Good role models In the training company Byggopp Vestland, department Førde, they have around 12 per cent female apprentices in 2023. The national average is of 8 percent. Manager Håkon Svoen doesn’t know why they are successful here, but points to a good network of girls and good role models. Håkon Svoen is well satisfied with the number of girls in the company. Photo: Ingrid Byggland / news – We have been out early with girls’ networks, where they themselves have talked about how they can recruit more girls. In addition, I have been given good role models, and the girls are good at talking about their workplace and their industry. Svoen hopes to get even more girl apprentices in the company, and says the building and construction industry is booming, so there are many apprenticeships. – To those who are considering this direction, I would like to say that I need them and that I must take care of them. Social media Co-owner in Vestfjord Bygg and Kristin’s mentor, Jonny André Berg, believes that it creates a good working environment by having both women and men in the workplace. Jonny André Berg says it is positive for the working environment with both women and men in the company. Photo: Ingrid Byggland / news – They are quite similar, and I have not encountered any challenges. Having girls in the gang is only positive for the working environment, he says. He believes that social media should have a bit of an era so that more people get an eye out for the building and construction industry. – There are many channels that show things from everyday life, so more people can see that this looks funny. Varied and instructive As a young girl in a physical working day, Kristin says that the only challenge of being a girl can be that you are sometimes a little weaker than the men. She is quick to say that in such cases you get a helping hand, so there is no obstacle. She has the goal of getting her diploma, and would like to see even more girls in the construction industry. – The best thing about the job is the variety in the work and that it is never the same day. And then you learn an awful lot! There are varied tasks for the young carpentry apprentice. Photo: Ingrid Byggland / news
