No Norwegian nationals were evacuated from Gaza today – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The overview contains names and other personal information about the 596 people. Many have dual citizenship. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirms that there are no Norwegians on the list of those allowed to cross the border today. Nor were any Norwegians allowed to cross it yesterday, when the border crossing first opened. On Thursday, Palestinians with dual citizenship were waiting for a permit to cross the border into Egypt. Photo: IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA / Reuters The ministry is still urging Norwegians in Gaza not to move towards the Rafah crossing until they are on the list. The Foreign Ministry says to news that they are working to get Norwegians across the border, and that they are in contact with those who have influence over the departure process. – There are no Norwegians on the lists and others, I cannot say anything about when that will happen. We are still working intensively with the actors who make these decisions to find out when Norwegians can travel abroad, says Ane Haavardsdatter Lunde, press officer at the Foreign Ministry. She further says that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs still maintains contact with Norwegians who wish to travel. There are over 200 Norwegians in Gaza. The 596 are distributed among the following countries USA: 400 Belgium: 50 Netherlands: 20 Sri Lanka: 17 Switzerland: 11 North Macedonia: 4 Italy/UN: 4 Bahrain: 6 Chad: 2 Greece: 24 Azerbaijan: 8 South Korea: 5 Croatia: 23 Hungary: 20 Mexico: 2 Restricted flow across the border On Thursday, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs wrote that they will help evacuate 7,000 foreign nationals from Gaza. This is reported by the AFP news agency. According to Egypt’s deputy foreign minister, Ismail Khairat, it will be a question of persons with connections to more than 60 different countries. In the first weeks of the war, the Rafah border crossing to Egypt was closed. There was thus no way out of Gaza. On Saturday 21 October, the border was partially opened. Then to let in trucks with emergency aid. After the first delivery of emergency aid, the Rafah crossing was closed again. It has since reopened, but relatively few trucks are allowed to drive into Gaza. On Wednesday this week, there were reports that more than 335 foreign nationals had been allowed to leave Gaza through the Rafah crossing towards Egypt. In addition, 76 injured Palestinians had been given permission to cross the border. That’s what AFP writes. Until July this year, an average of 27,000 people crossed the Rafah border every month, according to figures from the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
