Iranian teenager dead a month after she was said to have been subjected to police violence – Latest news – news

28 October 2023 at 08:43 Iranian teenager dead one month after allegedly being subjected to police violence An Iranian teenage girl who, according to exile groups, ended up in a coma as a result of violence from the Iranian morality police, has died, state Iranian media reports. 16-year-old Armita Geravand has been in a coma in a hospital in Tehran for the past few weeks. Earlier this week it was reported by state-controlled Iranian media that she was brain dead. According to Iranian exile organizations, she ended up in a coma as a result of violence from the Iranian morality police, who allegedly attacked her because she was not wearing a hijab. State media in Iran claim the cause of the injuries is that the girl suffered a drop in blood pressure and then hit her head inside a carriage on the metro in Tehran. The 16-year-old girl is said to have been attacked by the morality police on a subway. The human rights group Hengaw, which is based in Norway, published a report on Geravand in October. One year ago, 22-year-old Kurdish woman Jina Mahsa Amini died in police custody in Iran, after being arrested by the morality police for not wearing a head covering properly. After her death there were violent demonstrations in Iran. On the first anniversary of her death, September 17, over 260 people were arrested.
