1,500 customers still without power after the storm – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The matter in summary • 1,500 electricity customers in Sørlandet are still without power after the storm that ravaged Friday and Saturday.• Glitre Energi is working to ensure that everyone gets power back during the day.• At most 20,000 electricity customers were without power due to the storm.• The reason for the fact that not everyone has had their power restored is a massive fault in the power grid.• Three of the largest insurance companies have received 200 claims after the storm. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Many people have been without electricity throughout the weekend since the wind picked up strongly in Southern Norway on Friday evening. – We work for, and hope that as many as possible of those who are without electricity will get electricity again during the day, says Audun Brekke Sandhaug in Glitre Energi to news. – Today we will bring out new and rested crews and work on the mistakes that remain, he says. Worst along the coast Yesterday, more than 20,000 electricity customers in Southern Norway were without power due to the storm that ravaged. Most of the customers who are now without power are located along the coast, where the wind hit the hardest, according to Brekke. At 9:45 a.m., there were 2,500 who still haven’t got their power back, according to Glitre nett’s overview. At 12 noon, there are 1,500 without electricity. Most in Arendal, Lillesand and Kristiansand. At Trollnes in Arendal, people have still not been restored to power. Photo: Line Stiansen / Tipser 280 damage reports after the storm Three of the largest insurance companies say that they have so far received 200 damage reports. They expect more damage reports to come in the next few days. If insurance cannot currently say how many damage reports they have received as a result of the storm. – So far this weekend, we have received 100 reports of damage throughout the country. It’s more than a normal weekend, says Andreas Handeland, director of communications at If insurance. Arne Voll, Communications Manager at Gjensidige, says that major damage has been reported along the coast from Søgne up towards Arendal. Gjensidige has so far received 70 damage reports. – Damage to the boat concerns the starboard side after the strong wind. On houses and buildings, it is mostly roofs and loose objects that have flown away, he says. At Arendal Guest Harbor there were big waves on Saturday afternoon. Photo: Espen Bierud / Tips At Trygg forsikringer, Trygg forsikringer has received about 30 damage reports from Southern Norway. Torbjørn Brandeggen, communications advisor at Tryg Forsikring, says that the damage varies from wind and water damage to trees that have fallen over roofs. Burning with wood One of the places that is still without electricity is Trollnes in Arendal. Line Stiansen lives there, and has had no electricity since Saturday. – We fire in the wood stove, so we don’t freeze. But most of the food in the fridge and freezer will probably spoil. We try to open the doors as little as possible, says Stiansen. . Massive mistakes – We must praise the fitters who stood by in the weather yesterday, and we must once again thank all the customers for their patience in the middle of this, because it has been a challenging situation for many, says Audun Brekke. He explains that the reason why not everyone has had their power restored is that there were massive faults in the power grid. – There were so many mistakes that there was no chance of getting everything fixed during yesterday after the storm subsided. Because keep in mind that the storm was ongoing until well into the day, says Sandhaug. Power lines hung very low in several places over Høvågveien between Lillesand and Kristiansand. Photo: Hans Erik Weiby / news More extreme than expected The storm started in earnest on Friday afternoon with winds that gradually rose to full storm strength, combined with even stronger gusts. At 9 o’clock on Saturday morning, the wind was at its strongest. Wind gusts have been measured at up to 38 m/s. – The weather situation became more extreme than what most people expected in advance. Some of the more extreme things we have experienced in a long, long time, said mayor Einar Holmer-Hoven (H) in Lillesand on Saturday afternoon. Trees and masts were scattered in several places. The police in Agder received a steady stream of inquiries throughout the night to Saturday and into Saturday about electricity pylons and trees lying over roads. It was the area of ​​Kristiansand and Lillesand that was most affected by the storm. Hello! Do you have pictures from the storm, or suggestions for other issues we at news Sørlandet should check out? Feel free to send me an email!
