Belgium’s justice minister resigns after the terror attack in Brussels – Latest news – news

20 October 2023 at 19:45 Belgium’s Minister of Justice resigns after the terror attack in Brussels Justice Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne of Belgium resigns after the terrorist attack in Brussels. The departure comes after information about the man behind the terrorist attack on Monday. In 2022, Tunisia asked for the extradition of Abdessalem Lassoued, but this request was not processed, writes the newspaper Le Soir. – The new information from the state attorney’s office hits me in the heart, says Van Quickenborne, according to the Nieuwsblad newspaper. – The extradition request was transferred to the state attorney’s office, but it has remained there. This is a gross and unacceptable mistake. I want to take my political responsibility and resign as minister, says the Minister of Justice. Two Swedes were killed in the attack which occurred just before Sweden’s European Championship qualifier against Belgium on Monday.
