– Catching up on a lot from childhood – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary • The project “In the same boat” is an initiative where former drug addicts work to restore a wooden boat in Larvik.• The aim is to participate in next year’s wooden boat festival in Risør, but the most important thing is to live a drug-free life.• The project gives the participants a sense of mastery and helps them learn to live a normal life again.• Group leader Kenneth Fauske, who himself has a background in substance abuse, took the initiative for the project a few years ago.• The work on the boat has received support from Lions and local companies, and have impressed the local politicians.• The group meets twice a week, one day to work on the boat and one day to go on a trip. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The project bears an appropriate name. “In the same boat” pretty much covers the group that these days are working steadily to get the vessel “Silje Cornelia” launched in Larvik. This is how the boat looked before the restoration work began. It has since been given a new name, namely “Silje Cornelia”. Photo: Privat The goal is next year’s wooden boat festival in Risør, but the most important thing is to live a fairly ordinary life. Without drugs. Never picked up a screwdriver – I hadn’t been drug-free for a whole year at a time since I was thirteen. I have now been sober for 17 months, says Eva Mari Johansen. Not too long ago, life was all about the hunt for the next dose. Now the ups and downs come in the form of mastery. The team behind the project “In the same boat” is standing by. Photo: Robert Hansen / news – I’m learning to grow up again. I think paying bills is fun. Fix stuff. It gives a genuine, genuine joy that I have never known before. With intoxication, everything is just flat. Together with the rest of the gang, she is busy polishing and sanding a well-used plattgatter in a work tent at Tanum in Larvik. As people, they may be different, but find an important commonality in heavy experiences from the shadow side of life. – It is easier when you are together about it, says group leader Kenneth Fauske. He knows what he’s talking about. The committed fellow himself has a background where the use of drugs was dominant. Together with several others, he took the initiative for the project a few years ago. Kenneth Fauske is at the helm of the project in Larvik. Photo: Robert Hansen / news The “skuta” itself was given to them for free by a man who had an eye for the project. – My background in project management is thin, but I have a lot of life experience. Now I am responsible for creating a good atmosphere. We have succeeded in that, says Fauske. The claim is not difficult to verify. – Before I came here, I had never handled a screwdriver, says Johansen. – Now I can use copper rivets and know the difference between bits and drills. Coping gives us motivation to change our lives, she believes. Out on a pirate expedition The group meets regularly twice a week. One day they are out for a walk. The second they spend together in the tent at Tanum. The work on the boat has already come a long way, and is pleasing both here and there. Lions will sponsor a new engine when the time comes. Local business has also injected a number of kroner into the project. The local politicians have allowed themselves to be impressed. – It is a healing group. Crazy in the best way. We get to be ourselves, it feels very right and important, says Siv Ragne Mørk, who is about to give the frog a much-needed treatment with the paint brush. Siv Ragne Mørk is concentrated on his work. Photo: Robert Hansen / news In addition to visiting the wooden boat festival next year, where they obviously intend to win, they also have plans to go on a cruise. Which flag should they use? You guessed right. It will be a death’s head on a black background. – But there will be no looting, that is. Here it is to be played. – Now we finally have the opportunity to catch up on a lot from childhood, laughs Fauske. When “Silje Cornelia” is hopefully declared seaworthy, the plans for the next round are already ready, states Eva Mari Johansen. – Then it will be a new boat! Hello! I have written this case. Do you have any tips for similar stories, or other interesting topics I should look into? Don’t hesitate to send me a tip!
