Waited for five years after insurance company bankruptcy – now the money is coming – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Tears of joy in Os in Østerdalen when the money is finally on its way – thirteen years after the work accident that disabled Rune Sundmoen. – The last few months have been absolutely horrible, says Sundmoen. He has struggled financially without monetary compensation for the accident. 155 occupationally injured Norwegians have been waiting for money after the Danish insurance company Alpha Insurance went bankrupt in 2018. Now the government is advancing NOK 90 million to the victims in the state budget for 2024. – We are giving a mandate and money to the Financial Supervisory Authority so that the State can take over the costs, says finance minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum to news. – A long battle LO lawyer Kathrine Hellum-Lilleengen, together with others, has fought for Norwegian workers who were insured for occupational injury in Alpha Insurance to receive their rightful payments after the company went bankrupt. – Without the LO lawyers, I would not have been able to stand this, says Sundmoen when asked about how difficult a time it has been. But it was a long battle. From left: LO lawyer Kathrine Hellum-Lilleengen, LO secretary Trude Tinnlund, Labor Minister Marte Mjøs Persen, Finance Minister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum and LO lawyer Hilde Anghus. In Norway there is a guarantee scheme, a state safety net when Norwegian insurance companies go bankrupt. But the scheme does not cover bankruptcy in foreign companies. Neither does the Norwegian legislation. After Sundmoen’s work accident – ​​a fall from a ladder with serious consequences – Alpha initially did not want to approve it as an occupational injury. He took the company to court, won, and was awarded NOK 2.5 million. But then Alpha went bankrupt. Sundmoen and many other occupationally injured Norwegians had to look far for the money. The money will come next year 155 claims have been registered in the Danish bankruptcy estate from Norwegian workers who were insured. 90 of the 155 claims have been processed and are ready for payment. The remaining 65 cases are to be processed, so even more Alpha victims can look forward to payment. LO secretary Trude Tinnlund is happy that so many with a legitimate claim to financial support will now receive it. But Sundmoen is cautiously hopeful. He doesn’t believe the promises until he sees the money in the account. However, the Minister of Finance says that the compensation will be paid out in the near future. – Now all decisions will be put in place if the Storting agrees, which they certainly will. Then they can start being paid out next year, says Vedum. It is a little late, believes Sundmoen, who has already waited several years for the money. – But it’s better than not getting them, of course.
