Southern Norway will be the weather winner – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– Temperatures above the 20s are over, says on-duty meteorologist Eldbjørg Moxnes. The autumn holidays are fast approaching, and with it the autumn temperatures are also creeping in. Saturday may be the last day with temperatures up to 20 degrees in Eastern Norway and Southern Norway. – It looks like it will be a very nice start to the holiday. It is abnormally warm for the last day in September, says Moxnes. According to meteorologist Eldbjørg Moxnes, there may be fine autumn weather in large parts of southern Norway. But in northern Norway, people have to brace themselves for showers. Photo: Privat But as soon as October announces its arrival, the temperatures will also gradually lower throughout the country. Agder, Oslo, Viken and Troms and Finnmark cancel the autumn holidays in week 40. The rest of the country’s counties add the holidays to week 41. Wintery in the North In Southern Norway, the start of the autumn holidays will start with rain, while in Troms and Finnmark it looks like there will be a change from mild autumn temperatures and colder weather at the start of the week. – The temperature will drop, especially in northern Norway. It will almost be wintry there. While in southern Norway, temperatures will be lower and snow in the mountain areas. There will be a noticeable drop in temperature next week, says Moxnes. The forecasts show that there will be stormy holiday weather in the north – which will last for most of the holiday. – There will probably be quite a few showers in the north. It starts with rain showers, but during the week there will be a transition to snow and sleet showers in many places. But there may be some who yearn for snow, says Moxnes. But in the far east of Finnmark you can get periods of warm weather and sunshine. Temperatures may rise to 5–6 degrees. At the weekend, temperatures of up to 20 degrees have been reported in Eastern Norway. Temperatures gradually drop across the country as October announces its arrival on Monday. Snow on mountain passes in southern Norway While in southern Norway, people can count on better weather. Temperatures will be around 10-12 degrees with changing cloud cover. Long periods of sunshine and calm wind conditions are expected in several places. – It could be a nice week in Eastern Norway. Southern Norway may get a little more showers in the far west, but here there will also be longer periods of lingering weather. In the mountain areas, snow showers can come in from the west. This means that it can be slippery on the roads. – If you are going to cross mountain passes, it is good to take a look at the weather forecast and perhaps consider whether you should have winter tires if you are going to cross mountain passes that go over 1,000 metres. In the north, it is at least a good idea to change to winter tires this weekend, says Moxnes. Overall, it will be Eastern Norway that gets the nicest weather, concludes the meteorologist. Traffic operator in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration Nils Jakob Aae advises people to follow the weather forecast. – It’s not just snow that can cause problems. Both rain and wind can also cause problems. You must consider changing tires in relation to where you will be driving. We are approaching the winter season now, so it is good to be a little careful, says Aae. Good news for those who are going abroad Most people from the west and from Trøndelag do not take their autumn holiday until week 41. The forecasts for the autumn holiday weather in Western Norway and in Trøndelag are still uncertain. But here too, temperatures will drop noticeably, according to the meteorologist. More Norwegians will spend the autumn holidays in Norway. But more than half of those planning their holiday answer that they want to spend their holiday abroad, particularly in southern Europe, shows the survey that Opinion has made on behalf of Virke. – The high pressure is well established to the south of us. There is good news for those who are going on a trip to the south during the holidays. They will have good weather and warm temperatures, says Moxnes.
