At least 15 dead after rocket attack on apartment block in Donetsk – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The rocket attack took place on Saturday night in the city of Chasiv Jar in Donetsk, Donetsk governor Pavlo Kyrylenk informs Telegram. Ukraine claims Russia is behind it. It has not been confirmed independently. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj says the attack shows that Russian forces are deliberately attacking residential areas. “After such attacks, the killers cannot say that they did not know anything or did not understand anything,” Zelenskyj said in his daily speech on Sunday night. The attack destroyed three buildings in a residential area. Many of the residents are workers in nearby factories. Ukraine’s rescue service announced on Sunday that they had made contact with three people trapped under the building masses. The deputy head of Ukraine’s presidential office, Kyrylo Tymoshenko, wrote in the Telegram that six people had been rescued, but that 23 people were still missing, including children. Rescue workers on the ruins of a block of flats hit by a Russian rocket in Chasiv Jar. July 10, 2022 Photo: Nariman El-Mofty / AP Wanted to save the kittens Several of those rescued from the ruins say that there were three hits, writes the news agency Reuters. One of the survivors, who names herself as Venela, says that she wanted to save her kittens. – I was thrown into the bathroom. It was chaos. I was in shock and covered in blood, she says. By the time she got out of the bathroom, the room was filled with rubble. – I never found my kittens, she says crying. Continuation of the search On Sunday, cranes and excavators were on site together with the rescue workers to clear away the building masses. Despite dangerous conditions, the rescue workers continue their search in the rain. Kyrylenk says it was Uragan rockets that were used in the attack. They are fired from vehicle-borne systems. Chasiv Jar is located 20 kilometers south of Kramatorsk, one of the main targets of the Russian forces moving west. Artillery from the nearby front resonated in Chasiv Jar while rescue work was underway on Sunday, and several times the workers have run in cover. Rescue workers on the ruins of a block of flats hit by a Russian rocket in Chasiv Jar. July 10, 2022 Photo: Nariman El-Mofty / AP Three explosions Residents of Chasiv Jar tell the Labor Party that they heard at least three explosions, and that in addition to the deaths there must have been many who were injured. – There was an explosion, all the glass in the windows shattered and I was thrown to the ground. My kitchen walls and balcony have completely disappeared, 45-year-old Oksana tells the news agency. Russia has repeatedly claimed that it only targets military targets. Earlier in July, 21 people were killed in an attack on a block of flats in Odesa, and in June at least 19 people were killed when a Russian rocket hit a shopping center in Krementsjuk. Asks civilians to get out of the Kerhson region In the occupied Kherson region, Ukrainian forces are preparing for a counterattack. On Sunday, Ukraine’s Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk warned the civilian population to evacuate from the area as soon as possible. “I know for sure that there are both women and children there, and they must not become human shields,” Vereshchuk said in a national television broadcast.
