Sold 1,220 shares in Telenor – Latest news – news

26 September 2023 at 11:31 Gram confirms: Sold 1,220 shares in Telenor Defense Minister Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) has answered the Storting’s Control and Constitution Committee about his previous share ownership. It states how many shares Gram sold in Telenor on 1 December 2021. The letter was initially exempt from public disclosure, but this was done by mistake, the Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs informs news. – Former municipal and district minister Bjørn Arild Gram owned 1,220 shares in Telenor. These were sold on 1 December 2021, the letter to the control committee states. It was TV 2 that first mentioned the letter, which news has now received. The control committee will meet later today at 2 p.m. Gram owned shares in Telenor at the time when he was appointed minister for local authorities and districts in autumn 2021. The ministry has previously explained that he asked for an assessment of the ownership since the ministry had regulatory responsibility for the sector in which Telenor operates. After an internal assessment in November 2021, Gram concluded that he was incompetent, and sold the shares. According to TV2, Gram sold the Telenor shares on 1 December 2021 for NOK 163,800. The amount corresponds to the number of shares Gram now states to have sold. Gram’s share ownership in Telenor is explained in a letter from the Ministry of Local Government and District Affairs to the control committee on 1 September this year. Afterwards, the committee asked Gram to specify exactly how many shares he owned in Telenor. In the letter from 1 September, it only appears that the minister owned “some” shares in the company.
