SV will ask Solberg for a written statement – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

– There she herself can make an assessment of the extent of her disqualification and give the committee all the necessary information, says SV’s Audun Lysbakken to news. He sits on the committee. – It is absolutely crucial that the cards are put on the table, and the Storting must have more thorough and comprehensive information than we can get through press releases alone, he says. It is an extensive case complex that the control committee is now investigating. THE PRESS: Right-wing leader Erna Solberg is today giving a series of interviews about the share scandal. Photo: Lars Thomas Nordby But while a sitting minister has a duty to respond to the committee and may be required to give explanations, a retired prime minister does not have such a duty. But the committee can therefore invite Solberg to deliver a report. – It is not common and, as far as I know, has never been done before. But this is by no means an ordinary matter, and it requires the committee to think anew in terms of how we obtain the necessary information. Erna Solberg is currently giving a number of interviews to various media about the share case involving her husband Sindre Finnes. To news’s ​​question about a written statement, Solberg replies: – I have said long before this case came up that I will ask questions about competence in the hearing. I will answer as best I can to all the questions the control committee has. Will see assessments At the same time, SV will propose that the control committee invite Solberg, in connection with the report, to take a position on the publication of the written competence assessments she had made during her years as prime minister. – I think the committee must get these, says Lysbakken. news has requested access to documents from the Prime Minister’s office dealing with assessments of Solberg’s competence, but has been refused. The reason for exempting these documents from the public is that they are internal to the organisation. Rødt has already requested that the documents be made public, according to VG. Erna Solberg has already signaled that she will accept an invitation to attend an oral hearing. It will probably be at the beginning of November. – In my view, there is no difference in principle between an oral hearing and a written explanation, and I therefore hope that she will also be positive about it, says the former SV leader. Venstre support Venstres Grunde Almeland flags support for SV’s proposal. – My first reaction is that this is a good proposal, and that it is something that I and the Liberal Party will support in the committee, says Almeland to news. Solberg’s interview marathon today about the share case involving her husband Sindre Finnes is not sufficient, the top left believes. – In order for the committee to be able to do a thorough and good job, we need to hear this directly from Erna herself and told in context, says Almeland. SUPPORT: Venstre’s Grunde Almeland leads the Storting’s investigation of the competency cases. Photo: William Jobling / news – We have the opportunity to get that in an oral hearing. But in a written statement, Solberg herself will have the opportunity to explain herself in full, to the extent she herself wishes and to a degree of detail that is not as easy to achieve in an oral hearing. As hearing officer, Almeland leads the Storting’s investigation of all competency cases. He emphasizes that the control committee has requested such explanations from the concerned ministers from the Støre government.
