Sheep stranded due to flooding in Bjerkreim – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– It is sad. There are enormous forces in the river, and the fire brigade is making an enormous effort. That’s what Elling Rosland, who lives close to the river, says. The fire service has managed to find and rescue 14 sheep alive in Bjerkreimselva, and there are no more sheep left on the islet. – It is seven meters from this shelf to the next shelf in the river, they probably won’t survive there, says Rosland. Elling Rosland lives close to the river where the sheep have ended up in the water. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news In Western Norway south of Hardanger there has been large amounts of rainfall and a yellow flood warning. The worst has been in several places in the south of Rogaland, and at the Eik measuring station over 100 millimeters have been measured in the last 24 hours. On Thursday morning, the storm led to 30 sheep being stranded on an islet in the Bjerkreimselva south of the E39. news is on the scene and follows the drama. Many of the sheep got scared and jumped into the water. The fire service believes they will find more people alive, and large crews are now trying to rescue as many as possible further south in the river. Some sheep have managed to get ashore by themselves. There is also a very strong current, and logs and trees come down the river, posing a danger to crew and sheep. Normally it is possible to get over to the islet with a tractor, but due to the amount of water it is now impossible. Sheep are stuck on islets in Bjerkreim Yellow danger warning for floods in Western Norway There has been a storm in Western Norway and NVE has sent out a yellow danger warning for floods in Western Norway south of the Hardangerfjord. The worst has been in Maudal and Eik in Rogaland, which top the list in the country with over 100 millimeters in 24 hours. They have also received just under 100 millimeters in Sauda and Gullingen. Meteorologist Julie Solsvik Vågane says that the peak must have been reached for Western Norway, and that the weather is heading east. – There will be some showers during the day, but considerably less. We get about two days with less rainfall, says Vågane. The rescue work will take several hours. news’s ​​reporter on the spot tells about a lot of water on the spot, and trees under water. The fire service has also placed a boat further down the river where there is less draft, so that they can catch sheep that jump into the river. Rune Nedrebø, Egersund Fire Service. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news – There are great forces at work. For our part, the first priority is the crew, so we have to make a strategic plan to ensure their safety, says Nedrebø. He says that the work will take several hours, and it is expected that the water in the river will rise quickly. Large amounts of rainfall also lead to problems in traffic, and the river Hedlandsåna at Helleland in Eigersund has taken up the E39 at Krossmoen, reports Dalane Tidende. At the Swedish Road Administration’s control station at Krossmoen, the water enters one lane, and traffic is diverted into the oncoming lane. The rescue operation will take several hours. Photo: Øystein Otterdal / news
