Two out of three solariums have deviations, according to a survey by DSA – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

– The regulations should be well known. There have been no changes in recent years. This is what Lill Tove Nilsen, director of optical radiation at the Directorate for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (DSA), writes in an e-mail to NRK. She is not surprised by the results of the audits, but is still disappointed. – We are not surprised anymore. We follow recommendations from the World Health Organization, and prefer that it be as strict as possible. Tanning beds are carcinogenic and should not be used at all. Many discrepancies In the nationwide inspection campaign, the focus was on five requirements in the Radiation Protection Regulations. From 14 to 27 March, there were over 200 inspections throughout Norway. According to the DSA, the situation is not good enough. Two out of three solariums have one or more discrepancies. A discrepancy may be a lack of an information brochure, a lack of a warning poster, the absence of an age control system, a driver or customer contact, a lack of a valid solarium test or the studio not being registered with DSA. This is what the DSA’s warning poster looks like. This must be visible in all tanning beds. Photo: Herman Omland / NRK The graduating students Mia Marlen Pedersen Fjesme (18) and Selma Angell Pedersen (18) at Skien upper secondary school react. – There should have been someone who was physically at the solarium. It is quite easy to take your brother’s card, or if you have an older friend from whom you borrow the user, Selma says. Took sun in hiding Both started with a solarium when they were 15 years old, but have gradually stepped down from the crowd. Mia Marlen Pedersen Fjesme and Selma Angell Pedersen at Skien upper secondary school. Both still use the solarium. Photo: Herman Omland / NRK – I probably start because of the ball in ninth grade. I was allowed by mum and dad, but they were very adamant that I had to quit after the ball, says Selma. When the ball was over, she continued in hiding and used other people’s cards to gain access. For Mia, the reason was completely different. After a trip to the south, she wanted to keep the golden tan. She therefore found a solarium without age control, and which used coins to buy sun time. – When I lie there, I assess whether it is wise or not. I am fully aware of the risk myself, says Mia. According to the Norwegian Cancer Society’s latest survey, the Youth Survey 2022, half of those who took a tanning bed for the first time were under 18 years old. – It’s not good. You know the risk with that, but then there is a bit of a “it does not happen to me” mentality, says Selma. Hope people are over Secretary General of the Cancer Society, Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, believes stricter regulation of solariums would have saved society too much. Secretary General of the Norwegian Cancer Society, Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, is concerned about minors’ access to tanning beds. Photo: Maria Olivia Rivedal – Tanning use causes a significant proportion of melanoma cases among those under 30 years of age. It would be a lot to save by regulating the use both of resources, and of course all the suffering for those affected. Although many people still use solariums, the number of users has fallen steadily for several years. After two different years, the Secretary-General does not hope for a user leap. – We hope this trend continues, and that both young and old are above the solarium. A process State Secretary in the Ministry of Health and Care Services Ole Henrik Krat Bjørkholt (Labor Party) is satisfied with the completed supervision campaign. – The result of DSA’s inspection shows that some solariums follow the rules, but that there are many who do not and thus need further follow-up, he writes to NRK. Based on the “National UV and skin cancer strategy 2019-2023”, the DSA has recommended the Ministry of Health and Care Services stricter requirements for tanning beds than it is today. Among other things, they want to be able to close a solarium if the inspection reveals errors in age control. – DSA has recommended that the Ministry of Health and Care Services follow up this measure by initiating a process with consultation on legislative changes. In addition to considering proposals for a legal basis for a right of suspension for breaches of the rules on age control, the ministry will look more closely at whether there is a need for further regulation of solarium activities, he writes. No comment NRK has been in contact with the Solarium Association, which represents the majority of solarium Norway. They do not want to comment on the matter. “If you want a statement by virtue of my role as leader of the Solarium Association, I can unfortunately not give a statement at this time,” writes chairman Ronny Rath Pedersen in an SMS. Hi! Do you have any thoughts on this? Tips for other things we can make? Please contact!
