– Sad and disrespectful – news Vestland

– I can not understand who can do something like that. It is completely incomprehensible, says Annlaug Børve, churchwarden in Øygarden. On Saturday, she received a message about visitors to the churchyard at Hjelme church on Friday night had discovered that 16 grave supports had become pigs with a yellow measurement. – This is more than just the tag on an object. It’s a pig to someone’s memory. It is very hurtful for the relatives, it is sad and disrespectful, says Børve. This afternoon, she reported the matter to the police about the filth. On Monday, Børve will formally report the damage, and notify those responsible for the graves that have been tagged down. Annlaug Børve is a church guardian in Øygarden municipality, west of Bergen Photo: Private Rare vandalism at the churchyards in Øygarden Hjelme church is located on Sæløy, almost completely north of Øygarden. There are eight churches in the municipality. It is rare for anyone to vandalize the cemeteries, Børve states. – Fortunately, we have not encountered this tagging before, says kyrkjeverja. She states that it has also been a long time since anyone has overturned tombstones in Øygarden. – We are talking about many years ago, says Børve. Hjelme church is located north of Øygarden, northwest of Bergen. At Nautnes, two German cars were also spray-painted with yellow measurement on Friday. German cars were dirty until yesterday There is no video surveillance of the churchyard at Hjelme, but the police have sent a patrol that will investigate the crime scene during the evening. By 20 o’clock they had not arrived yet, partly because they had to stop a drunk driver on the way to the churchyard. – We will document this, dig through the system for mode candidates and see if there are witnesses who have seen anything, says operations manager in the West police district, Eivind Hellesund. In addition, two German cars were pigs with a yellow measurement at Nautnes in Øygarden, Friday. Nautnes is located 3-4 kilometers south of Hjelme church. – It may be the same perpetrator, says Hellesund. When he reported the filth in the West police district’s Twitter office, he described it as “simple and mean”. – It is one thing to tag down a bus shelter or a house wall. Here touches something that is very unnecessary. This is terribly stupid for those involved, says Hellesund about the tagging.
