lack of trust in health care for people with gender incongruence – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The report refers to a diversity of experiences with current health care. To a large extent, it is negative experiences that are highlighted by users of the health service who have participated in the study. Some of the main findings presented in the report are: Many users have had one or more negative experiences in dealing with the health service related to having gender incongruity. For example, the report shows that several trans people have experienced not being taken seriously by health personnel, and not being listened to. In many cases, negative experiences lead to users losing confidence in the health service. Non-binary describes that they are left without a health service in the public health system. This is despite the fact that the national professional guidelines state that this group must have access to equal health care. Users of the health service for people with gender incongruence experience a lack of knowledge and information about gender and sexuality diversity among health personnel. The report therefore points out that it is central to strengthen the competence of GPs and other health personnel in the area. It is the first time since 2013 that there has been a report on healthcare services for transgender people in Norway. The free association had the following to say about Friday’s report: “The findings in the report reveal degrading treatment of transgender people by the Rikshospitalet. The report also comes with proposals for measures, which so far have received little support/legitimization from the public sector in Norway. We support the proposed measures.” Rikshospitalet’s treatment of transgender people has been debated. Photo: Fouad Acharki / news – Not a good enough offer Department director in the Directorate of Health, Torunn Janbu, says the report confirms many findings in previous qualitative surveys about the health services. They will now use it to improve the offer. – As of today, the offer of health care for people with gender incongruity is not good enough, and the findings can contribute to the ongoing work to improve the offers. Torunn Janbu is department director in the Directorate of Health. She hopes the report contributes to strengthening treatment options for people with gender incongruence. Photo: Rebecca Ravneberg Although there are a number of negative experiences in the report, the researchers also discuss examples of good encounters users have had in both the primary healthcare service and the specialist healthcare service. – The report’s description, of both the good and negative experiences, provides useful insight into how today’s health care is experienced from the perspective of users and relatives, says Anna Bjørshol, department director at Bufdir.
