The Labor Party made a historically bad choice – the LO leader is a disappointment – news Nordland

– We need other politicians who can profile the party. We have not succeeded with the party leadership we have today, says Ottar Skjellhaug, who is a board member of Nordland Ap. Skjellhaug lives in the mining community of Sulitjelma in Fauske municipality, which is one of the country’s strongest Labor Party bastions. He believes that most things went wrong with this year’s election campaign, and is particularly critical of Støre’s plan to electrify Melkøya. Ottar Skjellhaug is a board member of Nordland Ap. He does not want to keep Jonas Gahr Støre as party leader. Photo: Sahand Ammari – The result is not unexpected, but disappointing. It could be otherwise, but Ap had a bad starting point. – Who is responsible? – It lies both with the party organisation, and then we are affected by government wear and tear. – Støre has had a difficult job. He has fought on several fronts, something that has taken a toll on him. The story about Melkøya was totally devastating for the party in Nordland, and something that has affected the election locally. It was an unwise decision by Støre, Skjellhaug believes. – Do you want to pacify Støre? – No, I think we must have a broad evaluation where we also look at the leadership constellation. LO wants a proper evaluation – There is no doubt that we are disappointed today, says LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik to news on Tuesday. – This election has been an uphill battle from start to finish, she adds. She believes the left never found the form they hoped for. – Now both we and the Labor Party must ensure a proper election evaluation at all stages. The LO leader says at the same time that she has confidence in Støre. – This election has been an uphill battle from start to finish, says LO leader Peggy Hessen Følsvik. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Need to train more – It is clear that this is a bad choice, and one has to ask oneself why it is going so badly, says Ap veteran Thorbjørn Berntsen. He believes the party must now scrutinize itself and look at how the party has presented itself. – Special ticket for the younger voters. It is the TikTok generation that we must concentrate on, he says. He is worried about the right-wing wave that has swept across the country. – What I am most afraid of around the election is the privatization policy of the right. They will call the welfare society, they will pick from each other. It will take a long time to build up again. The AP veteran wonders why the Labor Party gets such poor support. Photo: news The Labor Party veteran believes Jonas Gahr Støre is the best prime minister Norway can have now and wonders why the Labor Party has such poor support. Both the policy and Jonas Gahr Støre’s position as party leader must be discussed at the next national meeting, he says. – It is a fact that the party has had increasingly poor support while he has been leader. – In football parlance, they use the expression that the coach has lost the dressing room. The question is whether Jonas has lost his wardrobe. In any case, it is certain that we have to train more, he adds. Another Ap veteran, Wenche Pedersen, tells VG that she demands a new Ap lease after the disastrous election. The president of the Storting: – A miserable result Masud Gharahkhani (Ap) wrote a post on Facebook on Tuesday morning with thoughts about the election result. Like the LO leader, he is also disappointed. – We have to recognize that this election for social democracy is a miserable election result, he writes. We have to recognize that this election for social democracy is a miserable election result, writes Masud Gharahkhani (Ap). Photo: Anders Haualand He believes the result is a clear message from the voters and that the party must take the feedback to heart. – People are not satisfied with us. They expect more from us. They are disappointed. We must understand the seriousness and the feedback in order to do something, he writes. – A serious signal – A serious signal, former Ap deputy leader Trond Giske said when the election results were clear. The Labor Party is no longer the largest party in Norway at an election. And Giske was not alone in being dissatisfied. Both the leader of the Union and the leader of the Trade Union were not satisfied with the result. – It hurts, you know that, said Større about the election results from the lectern on election day for Ap. At the same time, Ap leader and Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre said that others must consider whether the election defeat is his fault. – Not good enough Party secretary in Ap, Kjersti Stenseng, tells news’s ​​Valmorgon on Tuesday that the election result is in no way good enough. – I have a responsibility, and we have a shared responsibility as a whole team. Now we will use the time in the future to evaluate each individual municipality and county, she says. – We have to learn lessons from this election here, see how we can lift ourselves up and both get a better election result, but also get back the title as the country’s largest party at the next crossroads, adds Stenseng. The negotiations are still going on, but it seems that the largest municipalities in the country are changing color from red to blue. In the capital, the blue bloc has received 31 out of 59 mandates and a narrow majority. Raymond Johansen acknowledges the loss and says he is ready to retire. – It’s just to congratulate the civic doctors with a waltziger, he says to news on Tuesday. Also the leader of the city council in Bergen, Rune Bakervik (Ap), tells news that the current city council with the Labor Party and Venstre will resign. Support throughout the country
